Caregivers with low pay, lack of workforce, removal of beds, etc. in Front of the critical situation of the public hospital, François Hollande has outlined Monday, a mea culpa. While admitting a decline in the number of protective masks under its five-year term.

“I chaired the France for five years, so I have my share of responsibility, too, in the situation of the hospital,” began the former president on France Inter, then that opens a “Segur of Health”, a broad consultation aimed at addressing the vulnerabilities of the sector highlighted by the health crisis.

read also : “Ségur health”: a work explosive for the president and Macron

If it wishes to register achievements to his credit – “30.000 positions” and “7%” payroll additional, the socialist regrets an operation still too bureaucratic for the hospital sector. “For years it has compelled the hospital – and I’ve made my share ( … ) – there has been an administrative – staff rejects, including a physician, a coding acts, and pricing that forced them sometimes to fill in more papers than cure”, has listed the former head of the State.