Most of the words are images to explain the version 2020 of Michele Emiliano : the first enchant, the second explain. In order not to commit too much memory, circoscriviamo analysis in December, a month crucial for any administrator. More to the governor of puglia, which must add to the institutional commitments, such as the budget law, the political being 2019, the last of the legislature and close to the double election: primary of the coalition and the elections proper.

The first image is that of Emiliano in the regional Council that does not take the word, indeed, leaves the courtroom in the maximum assembly democrat, not to respond to his ex-councillor of agriculture, Leo Joy denouncing the distortion of a ranking. Then there is the one on Christmas eve, among the workers of the ex-Ilva with the premier Count that is the same as Emiliano to capture in a selfie.

Two days ago, in Bari, in late on the beginning of the press conference with the mayors of the capital cities to illustrate the events of new year’s Eve around the region of Puglia, has blatantly accepted that the department of tourism Loredana Capone , the cede the place of honor to be placed among the first citizens who have become its main supporter politicians for reappointment to the governor, because – in his words – incaranano in the territories, those coalitions post-ideological and enlarged, which should represent the value added to the regional to win the competition of the opponents, pentastellati or wire-leaguers.

Despite his efficient machine communication, the immortal, almost touching the ubiquity, you get the impression that emily escape to the fora in which it is a democratic duty to be there. Not only those properly institutional what is a regional Council elected to make laws. But also in political ones. Missing a handful of days to the 12th of January, the day a deputy to repeat the rite of the primaries of the centre-left, and there is no trace of direct comparisons of Emiliano with his opponents ( Elena Gentile, Fabiano Amati and Leo Palmisano ). Not the facts so far do not provide in the future.

On the other hand, yesterday at Lecce, a new image, the candidate convened a press conference on the primary to say that the result is not at all predictable. Then, shortly after, another image, from the president but shall have no obligation institutional, witnessed the signing of the stabilisation of the workers of the local Sanitaservice. In the last few days, it happened also to Bari and Brindisi: the margin between the popular and the populist, tapering and merging into an-ism that does not escape the opposition (“marketing to the election,” said the forzista Francesca Franzoso ): this will be a new test of strength or the first symptom of weakness? © Reproduction reserved