It is problematic that Klaus Riskær once again ended up in the stories of his dealings with the cash flows, according to Ekstra Bladet on Friday may reveal that the partistifteren have tried to obtain loans to raise tax partistøttekroner with a favourable rate of interest to potential contributors.
It takes Extra Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup:
– It is clearly a big problem, that this discussion even occurs, if it is illegal. Because the situation occurs in the very same days, where the discussion is, if he even is worthy to sit in Parliament, is running at full throttle, says Henrik Qvortrup to Ekstra Bladet.
Policy Mail reveals Riskærs scam: the Promised tax dollars to pengemænd
Ekstra Bladet can today reveal that the earlier fraud and mandatsvigdømte entrepreneur, who at the time of writing is stumbling close to being opstillingsberettiget in Parliament last year tried to raise public partistøttekroner plus 50 per cent. in the interest rate to pengemænd that would aid him in the fight to be folketingspolitiker.
In an email, which Ekstra Bladet has come into possession of, writes Klaus Riskær Pedersen to potential contributors that he is trying to collect 400,000 in a few, large portions. Money, he promises to pay back to the donors with favorable interest rate, if he comes in the Danish Parliament. With tax dollars in the form of public financing of parties.
And it can at any give are reminiscent of the Riskærs background as bedrageridømt, says Henrik Qvortrup.
– If one of the first ‘moves’ he does as soon as the upcoming member of parliament, is free to move in a legal grey area or even commit misconduct, so that confirms it’s the people who do not feel that the board is wiped clean from his bedrageridom, says Henrik Qvortrup.