the Debate on the Danish retirement age glows.

In Sunday’s TV duel between Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) and Mette Frederiksen (S), it succeeded the prime minister to raise doubts about Democratic ideas, and it has stepped up the now scorched pensionskonflikt.

Mette Frederiksen is upset and nervous, sounds the from Extra the Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

– She is nervous because it is government managed, and in particular the prime minister, in recent days to get questioned about it, that should have been the big powerful weapons in the election campaign for the Social democrats, namely, that the laws of the danes with a right to early retirement.

Now, Lars Løkke Rasmussen and co. got blood on the tooth. And therefore spewing, according to Qvortrup, one equation after the other, drawn up in the ministry of Finance.

– What makes Mette Frederiksen, sur, is that she is experiencing, to the Ministry of finance officials is being used in a political game, almost in a valgkampssammenhæng, to cast doubt on Democratic politics, says Henrik Qvortrup.

the Danish policy – 4. apr. 2019 – at. 10:55 How to turn on your old age: Dirty pensionskrig

And there is as such nothing wrong with that. In Denmark tends to be the rule that when an election is printed, so should the officials pull completely back.

– It, which of course makes it here a bit special, is that the election campaign formally not printed. But actually it has been started quite a long time, notes Qvortrup.

Now, Mette Frederiksen so had enough. She believes that it is too bad that the officials are being used in a valgkampssammenhæng.

– That one must provide Mette Frederiksen court. It is unusual for the government so close to the November election draws officials into a game that can’t be experienced as anything other than a party politics game, explains Henrik Qvortrup.

the Extra Leaf put already at the end of the 2018 focus on the run-down area. Read about some of them here.