Do not wait for the reactions of politicians the italians to raid Usa in Iraq with the killing of the iranian general Qasem Soleimani. If on the front of the Pd is expressed great preccupazione, the League leader Matteo Salvini praises in no uncertain terms the action of the Trump. “Women and free men, in the face of the silence of the timid of Italy and of the European Union, have to thank Trump and american democracy for having deleted one of the men more dangerous and ruthless in the world, is an islamic terrorist, an enemy of the West, of Israel, of the rights and freedoms”.

The secretary-dem Nicola Zingaretti writes on Twitter: “Great concern for the high level of tension in Iraq following the violence in recent days against the Us embassy and the elimination of Soleimani. Italy, and Europe take all the initiatives useful to avoid an escalation which is uncontrollable in the area.”

On the same line, the european commissioner for Economic Affairs, Paolo Gentiloni: “Deleting Soleimani can have very serious consequences. Italy and Europe need immediate commitment against the risk of escalation and destabilisation”.

For Matteo Renzi , the leader of Italy Alive, Italy has to change step on the front of foreign policy: “The 2020 strategy of the Italian policy began with sterile discussions from the courtyard. What is happening in Libya and the Middle East should make us change pitch and call Italy – and Europe – to return to have a role in foreign policy”.

“So that sovranismo – states Benedetto Della Vedova , the secretary of +Europe – the need for a diplomatic union and common european defence is now an indispensable condition for the relevance, the defence of the values and interests of european citizens”.

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