On Wednesday morning, presents finance minister Magdalena Andersson (S) the new government’s first draft budget. It will be a vårbudget which covers the reforms in the order of four billion and savings and tax increases just as much.
According to the minister of finance, there is no scope for unfunded reforms in this budget. The reason is that the M’s and KD’s budget that apply in 2019 and the scope for reform has been eaten up by the tax cuts in the range of sek 20 billion that it contains.
there will be statements on development aid, reduction of M+KD, the budget, and maintaining the aviation tax that will account for the bulk of the funding for the reforms that the government wants to implement. It also saves the government money on a slower expansion of the university and on the national industrial policy.
Most of the money in vårbudgeten goes to reforms in the fields of environment and climate change. In addition, there will be some tax cuts through lower social security contributions for young people and the first employees.
475 million on adding more teaching assistants and 340 million to equip job seekers so that they are easier to get a job.
in Order to finance their reforms, the government will in total to pull back bets on the sek 440 million from the M+KD budget. According to KD’s economic policy spokesperson Jakob Forssmed, part of the savings to the government pulls back an extra support for the care of the elderly as the M and KD have with in their budget.
” It shows that this government does not give priority to the needs of older people. The Swedish parliament has decided that this money should be paid but now it looks like they pulled back, ” says Jakob Forssmed.
the Government and samarbetspartierna C and L has said that vårbudgeten will include reforms of between 4 and 4.5 billion. In addition to what is already known is expected to further reform and savings are presented during the Wednesday.