The leader of Citizens, Albert Rivera, has been accused by Pedro Sanchez to lead forth “a purge without modesty” to relieve the attorney for the State in the cause of the procés. For Rivera, “Sanchez is putting the State at the service of the coup leaders” in order to “hunker down” in the Government, as he has written on his Twitter account this Wednesday.

MORE INFORMATION CKD and JxCat refuse to support the accounts of Sanchez after not seeing any action in the writing of the Law Has rectified the Law of the State? Opinion | advocacy and its criteria

“[Sanchez] purge without embarrassment to anyone who is opposed to this national humiliation,” said the leader of Citizens in the social network. “This is another scandal more in the months of sanchismo in power,” he continued in reference to the dismissal of Edmundo Bal, as a lawyer, head of the department of criminal and, therefore, responsible for defending the State’s position in the judgment of the procés.

The parliamentary group of Citizens has recorded this Wednesday at the Congress a request that the minister of Justice, Dolores Delgado, give explanations “urgently”. According to the request of appearance, Citizens want Thin to be held accountable in the Lidyabet next Justice Commission of the Congress “the reasons for the dismissal of the chief of the criminal division of the State attorney in charge of directing the prosecution of the trial against the separatist leaders”, reports the agency Efe.

The reason that claims officially the Executive is the loss of trust, since it is a post-hierarchical designation that can provide for the attorney general of the State, Consuelo Castro, who came to the dome of this agency in June, out of the hand of the minister, Dolores Delgado. Bal had already transferred that do not defend at trial anything that was not according to their criteria. This is, that it would not support any position that was not yours.

the deputy of The PP, Rafael Hernando has also called for the resignation of Delgado, among other reasons, by “ruin” the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, and be rejected by the Congress and the Senate. Hernando has asked the minister in the session of control to the Government if the Executive is going to approve a pardon for the accused by the process of independence of Catalonia, what has been added: “When Sanchez agreed to by a motion espúrea to the presidency of the Government needed to put in front of the Ministry of Justice to someone like you who do all sorts of shenanigans to give satisfaction to those who allowed you to sit in the Council of Ministers”.