has not Yet begun the trial against pro-independence leaders but Citizens as already manifested against the hypothesis that these are pardoned. The platform that drives the game, Spain Citizen, has gathered this Saturday to several hundred supporters in the centre of Madrid against the possibility that there are measures of grace for the separatists. In a speech very rough against Pedro Sanchez, Albert Rivera has portrayed the president a socialist as a politician without scruples, “capable of any thing to follow in a quarter of an hour more in The Moncloa”, as “agreeing with those that spit to a minister of Spain”, in reference to the incident last Wednesday in the Congress, Josep Borrell. The leader of Citizens to challenge Sanchez to reveal his electoral programme if indultará the leaders of the procés, and to anticipate who will rule.

Albert Rivera is on campaign. The electoral environment has been perceived in the act that has featured this Saturday in the plaza de Opera in Madrid, in which the organization has handed out to attendees placards with the slogan stop Sanchez, elections already, and the flags of Spain and of Europe, and they have echoed to chants of “¡elections, elections!” and booing the leader of the PSOE. The president of Citizens has taken the word ascended to a small platform to alert attendees that the president of the Government “has no limits” and is negotiating with the independence for a parliamentary majority after the next general election.

MORE INFORMATION Rivera disagree with Ana Pastor, to ask that you remove both “fascism” as “golpismo” Churches gives the end of the legislature and convenes primary to be a candidate, The PP and Citizens are trying to put Sanchez out of the PSOE and of the Constitution

“Not only are negotiating the pact on prison Budgets, are negotiating a majority for years, the majority of the shame. For that most need the pardons,” he warned Rivera that gives by the fact that the president socialist wants to forgive the independence of their sentences before they are sentenced. “Is forging a Grandbetting most dangerous to this country. And we have to say stop Sanchez for that they do not create that most four more years”, has influenced the leader of Citizens.

Rivera already anticipates what is beginning to emerge as its strategy for the next electoral campaign for the general. Will try to put against the ropes to Sanchez for revealing with what the parliamentary majority seeks to govern, and to rule out or assume the pardons for independence. The goal is to portray the president socialist, but if this is desmarcara, frustrarle its relations with the parties catalans. In that has insisted Rivera this Saturday.

“Mr. Sanchez, bring in your electoral program that is going to pardon the coup-makers, let’s see how many votes you get!”, he has been asked to Rivera, before impact: “Challenge to mr. Sanchez to tell us how he intends to govern. I’m not going to rule ever with the separatists. Sanchez doesn’t want polls because it does not look able to have a majority without the separatists.”

Rivera has been accompanied by the exfiscal of the National court Ignacio Gordillo, who has taken for granted the “covenant with the coup regime” because the State attorney has not seen “634 violent acts he has seen the office of the Prosecutor” and accused of sedition rather than rebellion. “Still there has been no judgment or sentence and are already indultando”, has complained to the lawyer, although there has not been a finding of clear Government in that sense. “If a coup is not a crime, I do not tell you what is going to be”, has complained. “¡Viva España, viva Europe!”, has closed Rivera and the concentration was dissolved rapidly in a very cold morning and heavy in Madrid.