on Monday evening arrested a score of people after they attacked the ethnic roma in the suburbs northeast of Paris. According to the French news channel BFMTV had around 70 people armed themselves with bats, knives and stones. The reason mobbens anger: Rumors on social media of a man in a white van kidnapped away children, in order to sell them into prostitution or organ trafficking.

police in Paris to Twitter, partly to dismiss the ryktets truth in it, and secondly, to ask the citizens to stop spreading it further.


according to the rumors should have done is gone out with the clarification that they have not received any notices on lost.

the radio station Europe 1 will publish on Wednesday a long article, headed ”Children who are abducted by the roma: how the reputation of travel”. According to the survey appear to the rumors, in the form of short posts on children and young people has been abducted, have taken off in the areas around Paris over the weekend.

in the white van that robs away the children is an old urban myth, and then get a new life, sometimes even in Sweden. Winter 2012 circulated information about similar abductions in the south of Stockholm, DN wrote about.

” We have over ten years heard of a white van, but it is very much on the basis that it is the most common type of van that is. I’m pretty convinced that there is a special person in a special van that looking after the children, said detective Louis Sandberg to the DN then.