the social Democrats ‘ congress in Örebro ended with valupptakt before the EUROPEAN parliamentary elections on 26 may. Confronted with the choice of driver’s, along with several other member states, proposals aimed at safeguarding the union’s democratic values such as the independence of the judiciary, women’s rights and a free press.

introducing a number of tools – that to stop payments of structural funds of the EU, increase the EU court of justice the opportunity to review of member states and to suspend countries ‘ voting rights in the EU, the so-called article 7 procedure, if they do not comply with the EU’s values.

Now the party further to require a common granskningsmekanism, inspired by the UN’s internal audit function, which, each year, shall ensure that the common EUROPEAN values are respected.

” We want to draw attention to irregularities in the different member states. It allows each member state must set up a hearing, based on surveys that may have been made by various civil society organisations, and which provides the opportunity to expose the abuse of the legal system in different countries, ” says Dahlgren.

” You can imagine that you suddenly decide that the independent judge who is in a country have to retire earlier than planned, to have an undue influence over the constitutional court from the government or to the government on free media as we have seen in Europe.

the Commission already runs processes against Hungary and Poland current ills. The social democrats, pointing out countries like Hungary, Poland and Romania are particularly interesting for review, to the party to the new requirement of examination will apply to all countries. But for this to become a reality, all EU members stand behind.

” We had a meeting in the beginning of last week, where all member states were in slightly different keys said it is an interesting idea. We drive on along with Belgium and Germany.

– They may think that it is great that not only are they exposed to the article 7 procedure, or receive their budget money is withdrawn. They become less identified themselves, they can find. They can ask us questions also. We have flaws in our system it is exposed.