On Friday, launches the social democrats, their congress in Örebro, sweden, and the dominant topic will be ”knowledge for the future”. To large parts it is about a new attempt to find ways to develop and re-train people for occupations where there are labour shortages. Weak match between education and skill mismatch is a recurring problem that successive governments have failed to solve.

the task of producing documents, which should be the guiding principle for the socialist labour market policies in the coming years. S management hope, above all, to reform the financing system so that more people will be able to use it in different stages of life, and a bet on to direct the vet to the places where the jobs are.

” today, We have huge shortage in many professions. There are shortcomings both for arbetsmarknadsutbildningarna, the upper-secondary level vocational education and training and adult vocational training. We need to get to the dimensioning of vocational education and training so that they correspond to the regional needs, ” says minister for employment Ylva Johansson (S).

In the settlement with C, L and MP are included the social democrats agree to reform the employment services of the foundation. It will mean that a large part of the employment lost and the mission to convey the job should be managed by private operators.

Ylva Johansson hope to instead be able to give the employment agency a new mission. It’s about analyzing what the needs found in different places in Sweden and ensure that the right arbetsmarknadsutbildningarna will in place.

” I see that they can get a bigger and more important role in the regional supply of expertise. The employment service is responsible for forecasts on what will be the future jobs but there is no connection between it and what the courses are, ” says Ylva Johansson.

the change of the employment agency is a matter for the government and not the congress but that it is in line with the issues to be discussed at the weekend.

– It would be an interesting part for a changed been in a relationship for the employment service. To be responsible for and take a more important role in the regional design of the training. We need to make a correctly in order to get employment training programs that are more tailored to the needs of employers, ” says Ylva Johansson.

” the Congress is pointing out the direction but then we are not talking exactly about how it will be done. It is rather wise to congresses are not detailed at this level, ” she continues.

that the focus on regional employment training programs to be able to take off during the current term. She believes that it is necessary to find a model that better match the workforce to the jobs available.

” It is our time of great challenge. We don’t know what happens with globalisation and the technological development, but almost all jobs will be affected. It is absolutely crucial for our competitiveness that we can keep up with it, ” says Ylva Johansson.