Out of necessity – not out of desire – hope more and more Danish families, to aid agencies such as Danish people’s aid to save them at the finish line ahead of the year’s most expensive holiday.

that’s How it is with Michaela Svaneby, which kontanthjælpsmodtager and a single mother to Noah at 12, Freja on the nine, and Liam, three year, thinking to save every single day. Not a one-time christmas presents a relaxing haven from the tight economic reality, so a bail-out to a value of 1.500 Danish kroner from the Danish people’s aid can make a big difference for the family from Munkebo between Odense and Kerteminde.

the Children of Noah (to the left of the mother), Liam and Freya welcomes all other children to christmas eve. For the children’s mother, Michaela Svaneby, means a julehjælpspakke from the Danish people’s aid the difference on whether she possibly afford to have christmas for the children or not. Photo Tim Kildeborg Jensen

– I am not ashamed of the to seek julehjælp.

– It is that so many who do, and it says more about our society’s way of taking care of the weakest and the socially vulnerable, than it says about me and all the others who ask for help and support, says Michaela Svaneby.

The 36-year-old mother of three has not had a job since she worked at the Odense university Hospital in 2005. The past 13 years, since she was pregnant with her oldest child, has been one long battle with various diagnoses such as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), anxiety, stress and high blood pressure. ADD is also called the ‘quiet’ version of the more well-known ADHD because ADD predominantly expresses itself through attention deficit disorder.

Julehjælp – 28. nov. 2018 – at. 16:10 Real men cry sometimes: Per have six dollars to the dalliances of the month

In 2018, the screw tightened further, after Michaela came against the infamous kontanthjælpsloft and lost to 2,400 dollars a month in rent subsidies. Health has not been better at the former gardener and kitchen assistant-apprentice, who rates happy, she almost every day can draw on his mother and the children’s grandmother.

– Our summer holiday this year was extraordinary good, because we both were in the Western Camp, on the island Lolland, denmark with Danish people’s aid and on a week’s holiday in Turkey. It was the first time we were abroad and we had only afford it because I sold several old things such as baby toys and a sofa, and because my mother was with to cover our expenses, says Michaela Svaneby.

Michaela Svaneby reached to be in the process of education as a kitchen assistant and gardener, in she 13 years ago dropped out of the labour market. Photo Tim Kildeborg Jensen

hand-in-Hand with the joy of Turkey-the trip also follows a sharpened longing to be able to get out of the economic vise and achieve more freedom to just be able to travel and stay holidays abroad with the children.

however, There is a long way from the two times two and a half hour arbejdsprøvning in the local Rema 1000 and for a full-time or flex jobs with the associated increasing financial room for manoeuvre and freedom.

– I love the job in Rema 1000 and gets in 2019, the certainty as to whether I can cope with a flex job. If it happens, eases the pressure, and I will no longer be affected by the kontanthjælpsloftet, predict Michaela Svaneby with a glimpse of forventningsglæde in the eyes.

on Christmas eve will be without the kids in years, but in Michaelas mother’s company. In return, she and the children advance on christmas eve the 23. with gifts and fun.

Family and close friends are watching, according to Michaela Svaneby never askance at her with judgmental comments, but the people on the slightly longer distance links from time to time, malicious comments about the samfundsnasseri for the single mother and her immediately invisible disorders.

– These people have probably never even experienced what it’s like to be unable to do what you want to.

– I get angry and upset when someone condemns me on the way, says Michaela Svaneby.

See also: Call from Ekstra Bladet: Donate a percent of your gavebudget

How much you give christmas gifts? I’m not giving christmas gifts Maximum of $ 500 in total A thousand – how about A few thousand – it’s christmas When all is reckoned together, smoking there is probably 5000 to gifts Whew – my budget is closer to the 10,000 How much you give to julehjælp? Zero – I don’t give julehjælp I give as 50-100 $ I can spare about 500 I love julehjælp – so I is enough at 1000 dkk

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How much you give christmas gifts? 8% I don’t give christmas gifts 9% Max for $ 500 a total of 16% A thousand – how about 29% A few thousand – it is the christmas 28% When all Bahis Siteleri is reckoned together, the smoking there are probably 5000 to gifts 11% Whew – my budget is closer to the 10,000 How much you give to julehjælp? 71% Zero – I don’t give julehjælp 21% I give as 50-100 $ I can afford to lose 5% To about 500 2% I love julehjælp – so I is enough at 1000 dkk

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Last year got 9540 single-parent families on public service a julehjælpspakke, which has a value of 1500 kr: A gift card for Rema, a gift card to BR and a gift certificate to the Sportmaster. More than 15000 single-parent families have applied, and there is preliminary collected money so 8977 families can get help. the

You can support the collection by sending SMS, mobilepay or bank.


and steady with 150 kr.


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