ROME – Just in time to make breakfast in Casalecchio di Reno, the first leg of the election day in Bologna, then Matteo Salvini is the square in front of the cameras, sweatshirt blue, and attack of the Republic. It will be a thrust along a day, the first page is performed in all the outputs the public, at each meeting, until the evening. While on the social the “Beast” salviniana was starting a campaign that most likely will not stop here. In the viewfinder, the title of yesterday’s newspaper: “Delete Salvini, a synthesis of the journalistic component of the interview to Graziano Del Rio, in which the leader of the democratic Party at the Chamber hopes the passing of the decrees, yet which bear the stamp of the former minister of the Interior and in particular those parts that relate to immigration.

“For me, that is incitement to commit a crime”, says the secretary of the League to the journalists surrounding him early in the morning, by showing a copy of the newspaper. “I don’t know if there is an Order of journalists, but tell me if you can owner kind of stuff. Then they speak of hate and violence, erase Salvini. Democratic, in the face..”. The concept that resumes a little later in the square, always displaying the first page of the newspaper, while the militants are shouting “shame”: “The only ones who incite to hatred and violence, are these gentlemen here.” You push even more than the director of the Free Vittorio Feltri, who in a tweet will ask if “delete Salvini with the rubber or with the miter? Because the Order does not erase the Republic?”.

The direction of the daily replication to the allegations with a note. “The senator Salvini takes fireflies for lanterns: the Republic has reported and summarized in a title of the first page in the sense of an interview with the parent of the Pd to the Room Graziano Delrio, on the theme of migration policies to change, starting by the decrees of the safety – and then become law – already criticized by the Quirinale. Transform the summary of an interview into a personal attack is unfair and also a bit indecent”.

Felts was not the only journalist who has sided on the side of the leading league, and against this the daily. The director of the Newspaper Alessandro Sallusti, speaking at Tonight’s Italy, conducted on Rete4 by Barbara Palombelli, dares: “it Is a story that reminds me of the case of Calabria”, referring to the campaign of the intellectuals and “the Fight Continues” that preceded the murder of the Police commissioner in may of 1972. Then notes: “I note that delete is a verb which does not admit replicas or mediation, evokes the idea of a final solution. And use it in the policy against a rival from a newspaper that hides behind the senator Segre or the movement of the sardines, betrays the attitude radical chic”. Critical also to the governor of liguria near to the Lega, Giovanni Toti, who speaks of “propaganda”. Alessandro Morelli, a deputy, responsible for the Publishing of the League, announces that a complaint to the Order against the newspaper.

On the matter has been Elsa Forneor: “it Is paradoxical that Salvini complain today of a title when he went on to repeat obsessively every day, physically or on social, “cancel Change” – is the comment of the former minister architect of the pension reform entry into force under the Monti government and years attacked by the league – And he had well in mind that it evoked the person and the law. For years the has done, calling for resentment, animosity, verbal violence”. For that animosity and threats followed, the professor has come under protection.

“The Republic will fight always in defense of the freedom of information, to its readers and to all those who have at heart the principles of democracy and civil coexistence”

Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved reader COMMENTS Today on Francis: with Ratzinger, the case is closed Agreement between the Usa and China, Trump: “the Covenant epoch-making” And hoped in the help of Xi to win back the election Duties, now it’s up to Europe: but with Beijing’s more powerful than the negotiation will be difficult Before the italians Bibbiano tired of the mud: “they treat Us like Cogne. But it is the electoral campaign”

the Republic