the Saudi state’s huge oil company Saudi Aramco listed on a stock exchange. The kingdom’s capital market authority CMA published a bulletin (you move to another service) Sunday.

the Company’s ipo may become the world’s largest. The CMA did not inform the timetable for the listing.

saudi-owned news channel Al-Arabiya that Saudi Aramco will publish the ipo prospectus 10. November. News agency AFP:according to the sale of the shares is expected to start in mid-December.

AFP according to sources, the Aramcon is expected to sell five percent of its stock. According to sources, two percent of the shares will be offered at the Riyadh stock exchange in December. The remaining three percent of the shares would be sold next year in the foreign stock exchange.

Saudi arabia’s crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is driven from 2016, Saudi Aramcon listing on a stock exchange. The matter has been postponed repeatedly.

Aramcon listing is awaited with interest, as the company value is estimated at 1,5–2 trillion dollars, which would make it the world’s clearly greater to the company.

Sources: AFP, AP, Reuters, BTI

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