“I doubt that this personnel decision to put an end to the debate of a collaboration between the CDU and the AfD,” says the Saxon SPD-Secretary-General Henning Homann. “The CDU wants to send this Signal as an offer to the right”, declared the Green-Chairman Christian Melcher. And Rico Gebhardt, head of the Faction of the Left, tweeted: “After Patzelt for a coalition between the CDU of Saxony and the AfD in Saxony has issued, he can prepare the now content themselves. Now this is stupidity or a clever move by the @cdusachsen?”

Three reactions of the political competition to a member of staff who was of the free state-the CDU at the weekend as “Breaking News” made manifest: The political scientist, Werner Patzelt, since 1994, member of the CDU and in the 90s for a few years for the party of the municipal Council in a village near Dippoldiswalde, Saxony-Union in the state election campaign, and also together with the Secretary-General Alexander Dierks – the design for the national election programme in writing.

For the relationship between the CDU and the AfD in Saxony, is the appeal Patzelts is of paramount importance. This is because, unlike the CDU land Chairman, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, Patzelt rejected a black-and-blue collaboration never. On the contrary, He has even brought several times into the conversation. Kretschmers predecessor as head of government and CDU land Chairman, Stanislaw Tillich, had not want to exclude before the state election in 2014, a coalition with the AfD.

For Kretschmer, at the Bundestag election in 2017 be directly lost mandate in the electoral district of Görlitz at the AfD, was always A coalition of his party with the AfD will not give it to him, anyway, with him on top. This cancellation will take him, even political opponents, but not his party. In the parliamentary election, the AfD, with a lead of a tenth of a percent in Saxony, the strongest party was in front of the CDU.

links a party to a considerable cut volumes”

looks “”I believe him, but not his Saxon CDU. There are considerable intersections between the AfD and CDU in Saxony, for example, in the refugee policy, but also in social policy,” says, for example, the Left-politicians Gebhardt, the leader of the opposition in the Parliament, about the no Kretschmers to a coalition with the AfD. And Green-land boss, Melcher, it is only logical that the “Pegida-Versteher” criticized Patzelt is now involved for the CDU in the state election campaign. She tells the daily mirror: “Patzelt the CDU of Saxony advises for over 20 years and carries with it the corresponding responsibility for the CDU’s policy.”

Patzelt for years for a significantly Righter positioning of the CDU in Saxony. “The Integration of the CDU is not enough,” he said in 2004, in an Interview with the “Sächsische Zeitung” according to a former election of the NPD follow.

Werner Patzelt is a political scientist and since 1991 Professor at the TU Dresden. Now he helps the CDU of Saxony in the…photo: promo

As of 2014, in Dresden, the xenophobic Pegida movement broke, felt Patzelt as understandable. In 2015, he said it was “counter-productive, to seek to flag words like ,racism, ,hatred of foreigners,’ or ‘ Nazis out!’ around the confrontation with Pegida”, this would not meet the “actual drive forces of the most Pegidianer” and “just further polarisation and intransigence” in the country. Politics and society would have to seek the communication with the “well-meaning” in the case of Pegida, he demanded the presentation of a study on the Anti-Islam movement. “There are very good fee as well as all the unnecessary Criminalising, Aburteil and abuse of Pegida-protesters,” wrote the political scientists at the time, in the daily mirror.

“In coalition with the AfD, Merkel would have another term in office, pretty sure,”

2015, it was also, as Patzelt in an essay for the “young freedom,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a coalition of the CDU with the AfD close. “Many of the non-left, non-Central, the rights of Germans” felt that the CDU is no longer properly represented, and Merkel rule “in immigration with a kind of all-party coalition against the majority of the population” and had to ask if you have several really the Use of the German people. After a “profound revision of our immigration and integration policy” would be the Chancellor, however, an extension of their term in office, “pretty sure – though it is in an unloved coalition with the AfD”.

After the Bundestag election in 2017, diagnosed Patzelt a “dusk” of Merkel’s chancellorship. And in the past year, the scientists, the occurs in March of 2019 as a civil servant in the peace, in his recommendation for Black-and-Blue on Saxony. According to a survey conducted in June 2018 for the state election, the prophesied of the black-and-red Saxony government, the loss of the majority, said Patzelt, according to the “Bild”newspaper, a coalition with the AfD does not need to be tested, “to make the parties to the left of the CDU open to blackmail”. He stated that the AfD should be for “a system protest party will refuse to co-Regency of willing to design a party to develop”. Patzelt said that in Saxony, apparently, the rights of a majority of the population. “And as long as the gets no rights of government, increases the urge to continue, to select the AfD”.

he was always in favour of dealing with the AfD as any other party. He claims, “to be one of the few scholars and Intellectuals”, “the opposite Pegida and AfD politically neutral”. In March 2017 Patzelt appeared on “extremism conference” in the AfD in Berlin. He tried to read the AfD “literally the Levites,” as “time online” reported. The AfD supporters at the Congress celebrated him nonetheless. Hostile, it was not become also good, a year earlier, as Patzelt agreed in Thuringia, the AfD-Chef Björn Höcke “clear racism”.

again and again he had understood it also, to win in AfD & co. recognition – for example, last September, when he asked after the events in Chemnitz by a right Blog launched a Petition clarification from Merkel. “So Patzelt feeds the hermeneutics of suspicion against the institutions of the state, which is cultivated on the right edge,” wrote at the time, the “FAZ”. And the Blog “grapevine Dresden,” said Patzelt about the “strange allies of the Professor”.

Patzelt sees himself slandered

For the appointment of Patzelt Saxony AfD-Chef Jörg Urban said now, the “known migration critics” will not be able to save the “left-green of the CDU”. “As long as the CDU-government does not make a u-turn towards a more conservative policy, her maturity as a people’s party.”

he even feels it as a libel, if he was going after his “always a fact of loyalty and Fairness sought behavior to Pegida and the AfD”, as a “friend of right-wing radicals”. For this reason it is “also an act of liberation, to bring through my work for the CDU posting such slander to their credibility”.

On Facebook, he defended his commitment to the Saxony CDU. “The rise to Power of the AfD” is forcing the CDU to “Rendezvous with reality,” he writes. The “bad migration and integration policy of the CDU Chairman and Chancellor Merkel” had “as a means of mobilisation and fattening program for the new CDU-competition from the right”. The AfD games in the same political playing field half of the CDU. “That’s why I criticized the dismissive arrogance of my party, the AfD is always wrong.”

The Board of Directors of the Saxony-CDU nominee, meanwhile, on Monday evening Kretschmer as the top candidate for the state election – final will be decided at a party Congress on 19. January. Surprisingly, the Landtag President Matthias Rößler, the is considered to be open to an Alliance with the AfD, it was not prepared in 2014, he had a list. Clearly, the question of how it holds the party with the AfD is not decided so.

More about

Brandenburg, Saxony, Thuringia elections in the East: is the CDU’s clear from the AfD?

Matthias Meisner

The CDU seems, however, that majority to be happy with your decision for Patzelt. Country managing Director Conrad Clemens, a tweeted summary: “criticism from the left and criticism from the far right. Otherwise, the majority of the praise. And the anticipation of a exciting, in the contents of the program.”