Padrino López, urged the population not to listen to the opposition, which he accused of carrying on a desinformationskampanj in an attempt to bring Venezuela on the wrong roads.

” I demand that you looking for chaos, anarchy and violence will end with it. I hold you responsible for the bloodshed that may occur in Venezuela from now on.

came just a half hour after an armored military vehicle driven into a crowd, who attacked it with stones and firebombs, and met at least one man who was lying on the street where he was taken care of by other protesters.

Padrino López called the rebellion that is currently taking place in the capital city of Caracas ”a fascist opposition, without a sense of home and that turns against democracy.”

forces ‘ respect, so stop doing what you are doing. Or do you think that you are playing with children? Do not underestimate the armed forces, he also said.

” the Military has an obligation towards the constitution to defend the homeland while you are those who are trying to divide the country and create opposites.

Because the appearance was a show of force to show that the military still stands on the sitting president. The soldiers who have gone over to the opposition, and had taken sg a blue armband to show this, yet as long as get.

clearly shows that you are on Juan Guaidós side, by the statements of president Donald Trump, vice-president, Mike Pence and secretary of state Mike Pompeo on Tuesday, Cuba’s new president, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez as clearly sided with the incumbent president Nicolas Madurós page.

In a post on Twitter, ” says the president of Cuba, that Cuba stands behind ”the legitimate government” and accuse the U.S. of interfering in the ”coup attempt”. Russia, which stands on the Madurós page, accusing the opposition through violence, try to take in the country’s military in street fighting.

UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, urged both sides to act with restraint.

Read more: military Vehicles drove into the demonstrators

Read more: Latinamerikaexpert of the protests against Maduro: ”the Number of deaths can be high.”

Henrik Brandão Jönsson: They will not succeed to overthrow the Maduro