The coalition compromise in the dispute over the ban on advertising for abortion is met with a divided response. The new CDU party Chairman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer welcomed in the night on Thursday, that the already in place ban on advertising. Sharp criticism came from the Greens and on the basis of the controversial Criminal law sections 219a convicted Doctor Kristina Hänel.

“The protection of life, unborn and born, has for the CDU are of paramount importance,” wrote Kramp-Karrenbauer on Twitter. “So good, that the advertising ban remains.”

The Green party member of Parliament Katja Keul and Ulle Schauws criticized, however, the Federal government put a “half-baked” proposal, only to have the Criminal law paragraph, delete “and to play for time”. The implementation of an announced addition of the paragraph to remain “completely nebulous”. Doctors and women will continue to be brought to the trust. This show is also the coalition planned study of mental consequences after an abortion.

The Doctor Hänel and the medicine inside Natasha Nicklaus and Nora Szász stated, you as the criminal proceedings concerned Doctors are appalled””. Upon closer Inspection, the proposal has proved to be a “Zero-point”. Clause 219a, including its penalty of two years in prison should remain “complete”. “The remaining proposals to improve the Situation, accompanying measures, which are already possible now.”

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to order, explained The three Doctors, they were indignant, “that from the political calculus of Power” betrayed woman rights and Medicine would be criminalized. “Information rights humanity rights. This is also true for women,“ reads the statement. Hänel has been condemned by the regional court of Gießen to pay a fine, because they had offered on their website, and abortion as performance. The Doctor has lodged an appeal. The Kassel Doctors Nicklaus and Szász will have to answer at the end of January before the courts again.

The Evangelical Church assessed, however, the compromise is positive. “The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) welcomes the announcement by the Federal government, in the question of a ban on Advertising for abortion for clarity to,” said the Plenipotentiary of the EKD in Berlin, Martin Dutzmann, in Berlin. The Catholic German bishops ‘ conference said.

government wants to create legal certainty

the Union and the SPD had agreed on Wednesday night after a months-long dispute over the ban on the advertising of abortion on a compromise. Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU), said after several hours of deliberations of the competent Federal Minister in Berlin, a revision of the legislation should specify that, and how Doctors and hospitals may in the future inform you that you perform abortions.

advertisement it should not be in the future. How the future regime will look like exactly, remained open in the first place.

The German medical Association and the Federal centre for health education is to provide contact information to abortion. “This is the Mission we want to legislate,” it said in the joint statement of the Ministers of the Union and the SPD. The new draft law should be submitted in January, said brown and Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD).

The prevention and management of pregnancy conflicts and for the protection of unborn life are common concerns of the coalition partners, it said in the Text. Women who decide, ultimately, for a crash, should be able to find a suitable device. Specifically, we want to be supplemented for the revision of the previous Clause 219a and the pregnancy conflict law has to be changed.

Barley said the agreement to bring the necessary legal certainty and mountains, the opportunity for a broad social consensus. “We will ensure that Doctors get the right security,” stressed the Minister.

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Also on the consultations involved Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) welcomed the agreement reached “The coalition has shown that they can also make difficult processes successful.” SPD Leader Andrea Nahles announced that her group will now wait and see the exact text of the law, the rate “and, finally, to vote”. (AFP, dpa)