the Old instruction is that dogs age must be informed by seven, if we want to compare its age to the people age. For example, a six year old dog should be people at the age of 42 years old.

this is No way, is said to still peer review a pending study, which is published on the bioRxiv-the science site. (you move to another service) The authors have prepared the formula, which is based on the aging brought about by DNA changes. Research to write a Science magazine. (you move to another service)

the New scale of the dog’s lifetime are calculated by multiplying the dog’s real age the natural logarithm of 16 and adding chapter 31. If the formula seems complicated, can it forget, and to use the directly attached counter. And if the natural logarithm of sounds weird, it can read more on, say, Wikipedia. (you move to another service) of the formula I of the structure due to age can counter check on the dog from the first full from the age of.

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Note.: The dog and the human age comparison is approximate and there is no one specific way. The counter used in the university of California research team calculated a formula based on aging to the event DNA methylation in. Also the breeds of dogs of different lifetime affect an individual dog vertailuikä, the counter base is used labrador retriever.

the Changes in the DNA joined the methyl groups tell their biological age, i.e. the age, which is the result of ill-adjusted for disease, lifestyle and genes impact. On the basis of information again is created by the so-called epigenetic clock, which told the “real” age, we age more accurately.

studies have found that, for example, mice, chimpanzees, wolves and dogs seem to also have their own epigenetic clock.

the Dog’s middle age comes early

according to the Formula calculating that seven viikoinen puppy and nine-month-old human child living in both the same time epigeneettisessä in the clock. At that age both begin teeth erupt.

Also dogs and humans the average lifespan happen to be the same, although the second usually live for only 12 calendar years and another 70.

after Childhood dog of the epigenetic clock is ticking fast, because even a two year old labrador act puppy-like, is it already a firmly middle-aged.

Stina Import / YleKoirien the age range is great

Man and dog age comparison is not made easier by the fact that the breeds of dogs ages vary greatly: large breeds often live only for 6-7 years, while the chihuahua such as small dogs can live up to 17-18 years.

All dog breeds are, however, going through the same development cycle, and development can be compared, for example, people similar.

the California university team of researchers ended up to compare the first people and dogs. Species the path diverge at an early stage in mammalian evolution, but the relief from it that the dogs live in similar environments as the people. Many dogs also participate in advanced medical care.

the Study focused on one race, labradorinnuotaja, because it made it easier genetic factors for identification. Under investigation was 104 dogs individuals, whose ages ranged from months to 16 years. Labrador retrievers live an average of 12 years.

it appeared that humans and dogs – at least labradonrinnoutajilla – event similar age-related changes in specific gene regions. Similarities were closest to each other in young people and on the other hand, in older individuals.

see also: the Wolf or the dog – do you recognize the picture?

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