the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) is planning to ban the Islamist associations “Ansar International” and “WWR-Help”. In order to collect evidence, by 800 police officers were searching on Wednesday for about 90 objects in North Rhine-Westphalia, Berlin, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hamburg, Hesse and lower Saxony. The two clubs are suspected to support the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas financially and for propaganda purposes. The Ministry of the Association determined legal action against the clubs, in parallel with a criminal case at the Prosecutor General’s office in Düsseldorf runs due to suspicion of terrorist financing.

The Ministry said in a message from a “nationwide active Islamist network”, which would be detrimental to the enshrined in the basic law concept of international understanding. Hamas fights with attacks and rockets have attacked Israel. “Support of such activities is in violation of elementary principles of the German Constitution,” says the Ministry. Safety circuits the clubs see as a collection of banned Salafist pool of former members of groups.

North Rhine-Westphalia protection of the Constitution sees a close connection between the two clubs

With the RAID, attention is drawn to the self-proclaimed helpers scene in the Islamist spectrum. Several clubs will collect money for supposed humanitarian purposes, or even as a small business owner and assist with the yields militant organizations. Ansar International was founded 2012 in Dusseldorf, Germany, WWR-Help (World Wide Resistance-Help) two years later, in Neuss, Germany. Both clubs were closely connected, says the North Rhine-Westphalia protection of the Constitution.

In the annual report, in 2017, it is said, visible to family and organizational links. Ostensibly Ansar follow the purpose, to provide humanitarian aid to Muslims in Syria, Somalia, Morocco, Burma, and other countries. WWR-Help refer to as the “relief Association for support and promotion of war victims, war survivors, war prisoners, and the needy and the needy people in war and crisis zones”. In the foreground is the help for the Affected in the Gaza strip.

The narrow region on the border with Israel is controlled by Hamas. It uses the Gaza strip as a base for their attacks on Israel. There is the suspicion that the clubs would have paid money to Hamas and other terrorist organizations, said the spokesman of the land criminal police office North Rhine-Westphalia, Frank Scheulen, day-to-day level. The searches involved in North Rhine-Westphalia, the “Task Force on tax investigations” of the LKA. The officers took the Key of the two clubs in Düsseldorf and Neuss, as well as other objects in the state.

Association makes money with “Ansar Clothing”

Ansar International have opened up next to the Collecting of donations and member contributions other sources of income, the report of the constitutional protection of NRW. In 2017, a store was opened in Düsseldorf locally with the name “Ummashop”. In the business scene clothing is sold, including textiles, the brand of “Ansar Clothing”. The Association has moved to its own representation in the past years, around twelve million euros. The protection of the Constitution speaks of 170 active followers in North Rhine-Westphalia and spin-offs in other States. Ansar International is probably the largest and most active so-called relief organization, says the “picture of the situation Salafism” of the country’s Ministry of the interior from October 2018.

The Association also founded the company “Blck Stone”, the pilgrimage to Mecca as an All-Inclusive package offers. The Name means obviously “Black Stone”, the cult of the stone is likely to be meant in the courtyard of the Holy mosque in Mecca. Ansar International also has a Restaurant and a Shop for Second-Hand clothes. WWR-Help collect donations on campaigns in the social networks.

The protection of the Constitution emphasizes the striking Overlap to the forbidden club, “The True Religion (DWR)” and also prohibited “Foundation LIES in Ansar!”. In November 2016, the then Federal had completed Minister of the interior Thomas de Maizière, the existence of the Association and Foundation. The mastermind of the two, the hate preacher Ibrahim Abou dramatic pug.

The Foundation’s READ! had distributed in pedestrian zones free copies of the Koran. About the campaign, many young Muslims were drawn into the Salafist scene and radicalized. According to the findings of the security authorities should be advertised on the club and the Foundation at least 140 Salafists for the terrorist militia “Islamic state” and other jihadist organizations.

With astonishment and concern safety circles also register that the case of Ansar International indicates a new trend in the Islamist spectrum. So far, Salafists and Hamas kept at a distance. Hamas is founded in 1928, which movement of the Muslim brothers in the Arab world to their own Agenda. Violence is only seen as a tactical means, mostly, is set to a non-violent, legalistic strategy for the conquest of Power. The Salafists want to, however, the Islamist world revolution bombs. Should now come into existence, however, a connection between the hot-headed Salafist and tactically well-versed and experienced Muslim brothers, could potentiate the West, the Problem of Islamism, it is called in security circles.

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Frank Jansen