The point first. No act was done by Matteo Salvini in those five dramatic days of July to take advantage of or profiting politically from the events of the 131 immigrants to border patrol, the Coast Guard Gregoretti. All the decisions were adopted in its quality and in its powers of the minister of the Interior. Point the second. Of its determinations in this regard were always kept in the current the president of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, and the competent ministers. To confirm this, and it is the third point, there would be the fact that despite being in the public domain the stall of the ship off the coast of Catania and then to Augusta, it did not come in any order in the opposite direction by a part of the Palazzo Chigi. Thesis that would be supported, according to the defense of the leader league, from the copy of the “interlocution written” that occurred in those days between the interior ministry, the Presidency of the Council, the ministry of foreign Affairs (led until August by Enzo Moavero Milanesi) and community organisations. Finally, there would be the previous case Diciotti, which led to the rejected of the request process for a similar act.

Are the four pillars on the defensive on which is based the statement of defence prepared, also in this case, the lawyer and senator and former minister league Giulia Bongiorno. By this afternoon it will be filed in the offices of the Council for the immunity of the Palazzo Madama. The request for authorization to proceed advanced by the Court of the Ministers of Catania for the attachment of the person to be discussed as early as Wednesday, may 8, in view of the final vote of 20 January on the part of the body presided over by Maurizio Gasparri. Thirty days later, then in February, the pronouncement final (and voting) in the Senate hall. And this time, unlike the much do a year ago, the”suspect” is likely a lot. With the 5-star lined up for the 140 senators deel centre-right might not be enough (it is unlikely 17 to check out is save clearly the league). Balance in the bargain: only 10 out of 23 in favour of the former minister.

The story is one that consumes between 26 and 31 July, in accordance with the line of the “ports closed” set by the head of the interior ministry. Which deals with the case – but this memory is not obviously emphasized, during his days at the Papeete in Milano Marittima. Senator Salvini in his defense produces “evidence” on the share, then, of the choices on the redistribution of migrants, in which he would have been involved with the Cei. Between the “acts”, the statement of the minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede La7 30 July: “There is a dialogue between the ministries of Infrastructure, Interior and Defence (….) I thank the president Count that continues to ask the question in the chancelleries of Europe”. As if to say, Salvini would have been just a pawn, even though it is very active in the entire story. That was, as you recall one of the most dramatic in the summer of “shame” in Italian.

In direct daily Facebook, this time from a holiday with his girlfriend on the slopes of Bormio, Salvini, so: “The State is like my home. Sounds the bell. If I know you we open, but if you bypass the gate will refer you back. I made the account in these holidays, I have inquiries and processes are open and if not I knew I reputerei a thug. Can processarmi and incarcerami, I could care less”. Ready to risk 18 years in prison”. Ready that is, to construct an entire media campaign and the election for the regional by the alleged victim of a “conspiracy”.

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