Already have hundreds of millions of chinese people embarked on the annual massförflyttningen home to the family. The trains are overcrowded, the flights fully booked and the roads packed with cars. In total a staggering three billion trips to be made between 21 January and 1 march when vårfestivalssäsongen, chunyun, is in progress. The highlight falls on 5 February, when the year of the dog ends and it is time to say hello to the pig, according to the chinese calendar.
To celebrate the new lunar year, which falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, is the most important family time in China. The masses in the cities return to their villages of origin. Well where theres a lot and good food, presentutdelning, new clothes for the kids and fireworks to scare away evil spirits. The fifteenth day into the new year when the full moon arrived visible light red lanterns in every alley. Old evil from the past year is forgotten and you look forward to the new.
in other words. But for some, the new year an anguished feast. In particular singelkvinnor who have crossed the 30-year threshold tremble to meet the family and peppras with questions about when they should get married. It has gone so far that a part implore their managers to work during the feast. At the same time reporting the hospital säsongstopp of the number of young women suffering from anxiety.
” My parents say: your classmates have children, why have you not even a boyfriend. It is the only topic of conversation when I’m at home, and they are mobilizing all the relatives. The press is too big, ” says Emily Liu, a 31-year-old single, and the Washington Post.
Image 1 of 2 London’s chinatown put before the chinese new year. Photo: Amer Ghazzal/REX/Shutterstock Image 2 of 2 People are waiting for the Beijing train station. Photo: Nicolas Asfouri/AFP Slideshow
women who passed the 30-year threshold as a residual and less attractive. To marry is included in the template for how to live. Not rarely involved parents actively in trying to match up their child with a suitable object in the tv-shows and on the internet. Shame for those who do not have a partner is so great that some renting boyfriends over the new year to avoid the family issues.
But the attempts to despite. In recent time, the number of singles in China has become more, a total of 200 million, and marriages fewer. More and more women simply choose the career in front of marriage in China, where the middle class has grown and the ability to earn money has increased.
It troubles not only parents. Ahead of this year’s new year goes the discussion in the social media high on the fact that a number of employers are openly showing their concern over employees women who have not yet tied the bonds of marriage. In an attempt to ”help” the women offers some of the employers of female singles over 30 year, extra vacation days, or ”love time”, over the new year holidays so that they have more time to find a partner. They manage to meet their prince charming and get married before the end of 2019, they can also look forward to doubling the bonus. The women become more productive if they are happy in his private life, claiming one of the employers, according to the South China Morningpost.
Mjukisgrisar for sale in Hong kong. Photo: Anthony Wallace/AFP
And the concern for the fewer the marriages goes all the way up in the chinese leadership that in different ways tried to encourage the chinese to have more children, which, according to the norm takes place within marriage. The background is that you want to come to terms with declining birth rates that management fear will lead to fewer and fewer younger people to support a growing number of the elderly. A point in trying to increase the birth rate was a few years ago to abandon the one-child policy. Some provinces have also introduced tax incentives and housing subsidies to families that have children. Yet the birth rate to drop. Last year was born 15.2 million children in China – a decrease of 2 million compared with the year before.
They get no extra vacation days and are not viewed as redundant, despite the fact that they are many more as a result of the one-child policy where parents preferred to have a son over a daughter. Now ask the women which men they’ll meet on their extra days off. Most of the work.
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And if singelkvinnor tremble to hit with their inquisitive families pulling off the second for the actual journey along millions of others in crowded trains and airplanes. In particular, they all seem to interfere with themselves in emotionally abusive children that may wreak havoc without the parents intervening. In social media there is a plethora of suggestions on how unruly children should be combated. It addresses everything from adults-only carriages to the passengers on board, after a vote, simply may throw off those who don’t behave, writes the South China Morningpost. In the discussion blames several children’s disruptive behavior on the previous one-child policy. It has, they argue, has created the 4-2-1-konstallationer, that is to say, four grandparents, two parents and a “little ruler”.
Read more: tougher climate for feminists in China