located in Lahti, Riikka Mäkelä , 36, the first own home revealed home bomb. The front man of the house declared uninhabitable indoor air problems due to had a single mother, I initially tired to. Soon he gathered his strength and decided to save his home.

Mäkelä, house site is in Finland, the first of its kind repair works, for which funding is sought the help of consideration crowdfunding.

the Ordinary people are so involved in the publishing Mäkelä and her son home repair habitable. He has received only supportive messages.

no One wondered why the other ordinary people should help our house renovation costs.

for consideration in crowdfunding, funders receive in exchange for, for example, services, experiences, or the project end product. The process rouhis in the case of a house the story related to the product.

Riikka Mäkelä idea was hometalo remodeling around the product series, which includes a small use of objects such as dishcloths and emalimukit.

In 1945, built a house renovation is partially funded by the mug and kitchen cloths sales.Johanna Talasterä / Yle

Project Rouhis is the first by the Finland’s largest crowdfunding service Mesenaatti. me.we accept your. Founder member and producer Tanja Jänicke tell you that many private people have approached patrons to crowdfunding in hope.

as an entrepreneur before working with Riikka Mäkelä introduced the shell company. He plans to continue trying the old houses as an advocate of your own home after repair. This was facilitated by the campaign approval.

Earlier Patron.we have been keeping a tight line, if the campaign have been aimed at individual people to support financially. Jänicke, according to the Patron does not allow the future to apply for funding on matters that fall within state or municipal responsibility. These are the basic services, such as education and health care.

Finland is a welfare state. Private citizens do not need to directly finance other public welfare.

crowdfunding campaign target of 15 000 euros is rikka rokassa under renovation, which is also the blood, sweat and tears. Johanna Talasterä / Yle

but the indoor air problems is Tanja Jänicke according to important to raise this season.

– I think that society does not treat home problems that way than they are the welfare state should take care of.

the New law will bring more nimble helping

Patron of the season can get also a donation-based crowdfunding, but for the most part the campaign is funded. The law prohibits donations to be requested from the public without a fundraising permit, which can be so far granted only to the public utility activity subject to the community or to the foundation.

the Situation will change in early march. Then a new money collection act (you move to another service) allows pienkeräykset. Up to 10 000 eur pienkeräykseen is no longer required collection permits, notification to the police department enough.

Pienkeräyksen can also initiate at least three private people to form a group. The proceeds can be used for private people or needy family.

according to Statistics, about half in Finland, annually staged in the money collection for producing less than 10 000 euros.

Coming soon, there are other indoor air problems related crowdfunding projects. Johanna Talasterä / Yle

Pienkeräyksien facilitating to give the citizens a chance to help other people much more agile than before. Jänicke’s view, this does not endanger the welfare state.

– Have the opportunity to act quickly if a group of people, for example, wants to launch a collection of hometalo his lost family support. It states before, could not care for such things.

a Fire would have felt better

from the Government is not there to support Riikka mäkelä for either. He hoped that the indoor air problems due to home who have lost their people would help even the loan guarantee.

State guaranteed loan I had to cover the renovation costs.

hometalo of korjamiseen don’t expect help from the insurance company. At worst plight sparked mäkelä’s mind gloomy thoughts.

– Fire is a terrible thing. Still, even in the darkest moments I almost wish that the house would prefer to be burnt. I had received something in compensation from the insurance company.

August in effort to save the weekend with my friends was the turning point. Then came the feeling that everything’s gonna be okay. Johanna Talasterä / Yle

entrepreneurship in addition Mäkelä worked with a team learning coach young people and leadership training. When home brewing the home the extent of the problem became clear, he had to stay on sick leave for the then work.

Bad indoor air was, for years, caused a drastic physical symptoms, constant sickness and pain symptoms.

In 2018 in march, the home was revealed uninhabitable condition mapping and humidity measurement applications. Mäkelä collapse.

– the Walls came tumbling down on top of a home after the loss.

He moved with his son Veeti Mäkelä , 14, with the evacuation as soon as the next day the situation horrible thing to find out. They lived at first at a friend’s house a couple of months, after which Mäkelä rented apartment near the family home.

Store the old front man of the house was done in 2011. A couple of years after the date of Mäkelä and her son started to get sick. Johanna Talasterä / Yle

a Half year went by like in a fog. Initially, the physical symptoms got worse and Mäkelä went to because of depression therapy.

Then decided that I didn’t give up. I’ll find out whether our homes to fix the housing shape.

Last spring, started the demolition work. The walls and floors were opened. Soon found out, that the house need to disassemble the structures. Riikka Mäkelä started a chore, which is still at the stage felt at times hopeless.

– Without the friends volunteers I would never have survived.

the respiratory protective equipment, in spite of Riikka Mäkelä symptoms were the dismantling of quite. He continued to stubbornly unloading iron waving.

the house of the problems were due to the lack of replacement air being received.

– construction of a new after ventilation is added to the ventilation valves. Also rossi from the bottom of done better ventilated.

Microbes contained in the air from the basement, and rossi through the bottom living areas.Johanna Talasterä / Yle house of the skeleton is exhibited

they’re well chopped up decay mansion jokingly named the house is currently a mere frame. The floor is torn open and their structures changed. The walls is only the struts and the outer planking.

Renovation financing participants can choose wallpaper with a pattern decoration of kitchen cloths and emalimukit in addition to art. For sale is Riikka Mäkelä native artist fairy Tale Loukkolan sculptures.

from the Walls to find the old wallpaper, whose pattern is immortalized in the name of the house to carry the product line.Johanna Talasterä / Yle

One of the option is an intangible consideration, which allows the donor to get into a house story.

– I Left the old brick walls of the raised part of the house. I’ll put people’s messages on metal plates, which were attached to the brick walls.

in October launched a Patron of the campaign has produced only a little more than 2 000. Riikka mäkelä’s goal is 15 000 euros. It would be enough material which allows the house to be habitable. Mother and son come home.

But not before the arrival of spring, because the cold winter unfinished house scares.

– the Goal is to move back in may. Rental waiver to help ease the economic situation.

Everyone should Finland be the opportunity to live in a healthy home, think about Riikka Makela. Johanna Talasterä / Yle

the oil of the decay of the mansion’s renovation will continue for a long time. Most likely the house will mäkelä for a life-long process. He didn’t even want to calculate how much money the front man of the house has so far eaten.

house renovation is likely to become the easiest kind of 100 000 eur in the case.

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