the recruitment agencies are unanimous. As long as you have the right training is the choice of institution in the day rather uninteresting. What is valued instead is experience, achievement and personality, mean rekryteringsansvariga from Poolia, Academic Work and Dfind.

” If you look back, KTH, Chalmers and Lund have traditionally been seen as the heavy names in engineering courses, but the names have lost a lot in value. Partly because we have a general shortage of highly educated personnel, ” says Anders Marcusson, recruitment consultant at Poolia, and is responsible for recruitment activities within the specialistområdet Life science, engineering and IT.

the Wall Street Journal an article that punch holes in the notion that a elitskola necessarily lead to a higher salary.

the Study, which article in the WSJ refers to shows that two students have similar background and score, where the one comes from a elithögskola and the other from a not is the – have about the same income later in life. But it has been questioned by critics, who argue that income inequality is growing about the difference in the ranking of universities is large.

When the association Civilekonomerna posed the question to their membership in 2017, found just 12 per cent that a degree from a specific institution was an important factor in order to get the first work.

A quick googling gives results on the advertisements that can look at it this way: ”A suitable background is a degree from the stockholm school of Economics, specialization in finance or alternatively accounting (with finansinslag) or Chalmers/KTH”. But employers who request students from a specific university is unusual, according to recruiters that DN talked with.

and recruitment company that works with unbiased recruitment. Åsa Edman Källströmer, CEO of TNG, has a different view. She argues, instead, that it is more of a rule than exception that some universities rewarded.

– Trade is ranked, for example, higher than the other. You can benefit from some higher education institutions are higher for to may myself have gone there, gotten good candidates from it, or that it has a general good reputation. The problem is that all digs in the same pond. And it will be not so good match for it must in the end be about to find the very best candidate, ” she says.

Previous studies have shown that the place of training and institution of higher education has also impacted on employers ‘ views on qualifications.

Swedish institutions of higher education located in the top of the international and national rankings. The school of economics climbs on the prestigious ranking of mba programs. Chalmers University of technology tops the Sifos annual anseendemätning for the fifth year in a row, together with KTH and historic Uppsala and Lund university.

Employers are also people, if the public thinks that Chalmers and KTH are significantly better and have higher prestige than others, it will of course indirectly affect their choice, ” says Per Söderpalm, business unit manager at Kantar Sifo.

according to the Per Söderpalm to a higher number of applicants, increased opportunities for jobs after graduation because it is a form of prestige in this, different types of funding and research grants and the ability to also be a partner with industry and other universities around the world.

Read more. Easier to get into college in the fall