I remember one afternoon when I was a small boy, and the snow painting and free download of the neighbourhood in Oslo. The winters in the early 90’s was quite snøfattige, but this day came finally a decent snowfall. I was filled with a feeling of happiness. A perfect feeling of happiness. A kind of calm in the body, mixed with anticipation . Ideas about the opportunities that now revealed itself, gnistret in the brain. We stood along the road by the entrance, my father and I. I could have trusted my own emotions, but as children often do, I felt a strong urge to check with my father: “Dad, are you happy that it’s snowing?” the

“No. It is fine with snow on the mountains, but down here in the city I think good it can be bare.” the

my dad is a quite sarcastic sunnmøring, so he preamble it in a way that it was impossible to not smile. He had, of course, soon started to shovel, and the road up to the house was steep and long. For him it was the snow most of the way. Nice to have on the mountain, and troublesome in everyday life. It ruined really not my pleasure, but I understood at the same time that children and adults have a slightly different relationship to the snow. Sooner or later, would take over the dad’s attitude. the

Sunday evening I went home from the tram, and then it dawned on me that it actually has not held up to scrutiny. The snowweather had covered the sidewalk with a ten inch thick layer, and since it was so late in the evening no one had gone before me. I waded satisfied way. The neighbor had måkt the entrance, it was already snowed again. Made me nothing. Easy as pie. It fixes us in the morning. And quite right: the Children ran out of drawers before the clock was eight the next morning, and I could take the left at the top of the road. the

Snøglede grows one of themselves. My feeling is closer to a kind of gratitude. Last year’s winter was unusually snowy, but was actually right on average for the last hundred years if we measure it in terms of the number of ski days in Oslo-marka. Climate change is making inroads in the winters. As long as there is snow, there is hope, and as long as there is hope I get inner peace. So I could be an adult, and still love the snow. the

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