The Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to enforce a measles vaccination, among other things, with the threat of fines. Provided for penalties of up to 2500 euros as well as an exclusion from the nursery visit. According to a draft law of the politician. Spahns design will be voted the Bild am Sonntag, currently in the government. the

Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn wants to met mandatory measles vaccinations for daycare and school children with the threat of money, as well as a possible exclusion from the nursery visit to to enforce. The fines could be up to 2500 euros, said the CDU politician of the Bild am Sonntag. , The planned measures are part of a draft law, the Spahn is now presented. He is currently being voted on in the government. Spahn believes that the Bundestag will decide this year about it. The SPD also supports mandatory measles vaccinations for children in daycare centers and schools.

“We want to protect all children from being infected with measles. Therefore, all attending a nursery or school to be vaccinated against measles,” said Spahn. Who is there, re-recorded, had to prove it. Who’ll care now, had the evidence until 31. July of next year later.

The Robert Koch Institute had recently submitted new Figures to the vaccination rates, which are levied in Germany at the time of Enrolment. After that, in 2017, had received more than 97 percent of children attending school, the first measles vaccination, but only 92.8 percent of the important second. The world health organization recommends vaccination Coverage of 95 per cent, in order to eliminate the measles.

measles is highly contagious and can extend in rare cases, even fatal. The proof can be supplied according to the report, the vaccination certificate or Vaccination certificate. “Who can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons, you must also prove with a medical certificate,” said Spahn. Children without Vaccinations will be from Kita-visit excluded. In the case of schools this was due to the compulsory schooling is not possible. Here, the Minister threatens with fines. This would be initiated by the health authorities.

EU-Commission: Impfflicht is not a panacea

Spahn, there is no cost incurred by the individual citizen, through the compulsory vaccination. “The pay health insurance,” he said. Vaccination against measles should in the future be the same for all Doctors, except dentists. It is a question of “every visit to the doctor to check the vaccination status and to vaccinate,” said Spahn. Also, the public health service should play a stronger role.

From the point of view of the EU Commission is a vaccination compulsory, however, no panacea to curb measles and other infectious diseases. “Forced is not the only solution,” said Vice-President Jyrki Katainen recently. “It can work in some countries, but other forms of organisation of vaccination appear to be equally effective.”