the Prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) filed resignation of the president of the republic.

the president approved the request and asked the state council to continue the delivery ministeristö of until a new government is appointed.

If the government does not now the prime minister, except for the otherwise broad change, can be the new government appointed very quickly. In practice, the parliamentary vote on a new prime minister, whom the president appointed.

Last time present a similar situation was in the summer of 2003, when the center of the prime minister of Anneli Jäätteenmäki was forced to resign. At that time the second largest party, the social democratic party demanded the prime minister’s exchange, and the new prime minister was appointed earlier as the secretary of defense in the government have been the center of Matti Vanhanen .

Now, the social democratic party forced the prime minister as a party to exchange Antti Rinne to another person.

Read this case add the Slope on a possible successor:

Who is the Finland’s next prime minister? This name, which are strong

As Jäätteenmäki was forced to resign, now the slope of the case is likely to go up in the short formula, i.e. no extensive government negotiations, not to visit.

of Course, in recent years päähallitus parties have exchanged the prime minister is also, by the way. Thus, inter alia, the Vanhanen’s second government changed the Mari kiviniemi (kesk.)government and Jyrki Katainen (ioc.) government Alexander Stubb (ioc.)government.

Also it is possible that the prime minister presented to the president a request for a parliamentary dissolution and new elections. According to the constitution, the prime minister the request must be justified and, moreover, is to consult the parliamentary group by. Even after this the president of the republic would be a matter of discretion, which in practice means new elections are quite many locks behind it.

This option, however, is not likely.

the case of the updated slope of the difference of the completion of the transaction.

see also:

Analysis: the Center wants to oust the prime minister, but to preserve the government, the base – to- five-party coalition threats to break

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