We must take care of our young people said. Perhaps this year’s most important truth? But how will you take care of the families and respect for children and adults with such a solicitation?

Lise Benedicte Grung. Show more

Should you get women to to both the working and give birth to many children? With today’s tidsklemme? Forget it! For this is not about the economy, and while the remaining. There are other mechanisms that make a wish families, namely time together!

I and my family have lived several years in France with their children. Norwegian friends often said How can you! All work so long days – and they have such a short leave of absence!

Yes it is true. Many work a lot and leave much of the daily care to dagmammaer earlier than Norwegian women are comfortable with. Still select French families more children!

Politics, it is the children of Columnist

So what is it France does, they have by far the Erna dreams about?

France has the highest proportion of women working in modern countries.

France has introduced several measures to increase the “barneproduksjonen” and has so far succeeded with it. They give birth to over 2, 01 children per. woman showed the statistics from the end of 2016.

When we in the Uk still discuss the absence and increases barnetrygda with a 50-patch, then we forget the overall framework of the economics and family! But what makes France?

1. They have a progressive permisjonsordning. The more children you get, the longer the maternity leave you get. After the first child you will only get approx. four months (with available, suitable passport). With a third child you can be at home approx. 10 months, with 2 months vacation! Vips so you have just as long a leave as at home in Norway!

2. Up to the children to fill the three years and begins on the preschool which goes from(3-6 years of age, there are few women who are at home. But if you select it, you have the right on long-term leave of absence from your job.

When the world calls in your pocket Leader

3. It is dagmammaer, kindergartens and pass (“Nono”-is that picks up from kindergarten and school), available from the children are three months until the next 11-years of age starts on the sixth ages in schools.

4. another thing: Quality time in the evening. French children sleep in the kindergarten/pre-school 1-2 hours like until they are four to five years. It will say that on the evening of may parents and children be together and not only fight against the tired and cranky children.

5. And last, but not least: French/women have long working hours. But: they also have up to ten weeks of vacation. The children have seksukersøkter with two weeks of vacation between, throughout the school year in addition to the eight weeks of summer vacation (and yes it is a holiday-SFO).

It is what I call respect: children and adults are recognized for working hard at school and work.

There are abundance of kids Columnist

Norway, still the world’s best welfare state? The reality in Norway is that it is still women who take much of the daily care of the children. It has not been a revolution after the men got longer leave. Children will manage at home without SFO from ten years of age. Clearly they resort to video games.

Here is my wishlist family:

1. Section heldagsskole.

2. Section leksefri. In France, it is actually prohibited with the homework.

3. Ten weeks of vacation! Holiday for children every 6. week and more barnevaktordninger than the Au Pair scheme.

A happy family is good economics!