From the West, the East and the SPD do not say anything. But when it comes to being Proud of one’s origin and the massive representation of their own interests, want to take the social-Democrats in the new countries, however, is an example of a party from the old countries, to be more precise: one from Bavaria. So far, only the CSU as a regional party have been sent at the beginning of the year signals to the Federal policy, says Martin Dulig, the Commissioner for Eastern Germany, the SPD, and prophesied: “In the future, the Republic will hear clearly the voice of the Eastern SPD.”

Important people from the new countries, including Manuela Schwesig, and Franziska Giffey, days on Friday and Saturday had been founded in Schwante, in Brandenburg, where in 1989 in the final phase of the GDR, the East-SPD. The year kick-off meeting is to be an Institution, and “the issues forward, the move to the East” (Dulig). The Saxon Economics Minister and SPD Chairman are big goals: “With a new self-consciousness of the East German SPD can move a lot.”

The Dulig-touted self-awareness of the Ost-SPD urgently needed. Because in autumn, Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg to select your country days. In all three countries, the situation for the SPD is dramatic if you believe the polls. The social Democrats in Saxony see it at ten per cent, in Thuringia, at twelve, and in Brandenburg at 21 to 23 percent. Even in Potsdam, the Prime Minister, but the AfD has been withdrawn. In Saxony the right-populists are around one and a half times as strong as the SPD, in Thuringia, twice as strong. “In the East, the AfD threatens to replace the CDU as a people’s party, the SPD has overtaken for a long time”, says Torsten Schneider-Haase of the survey Institute Emnid.

in Spite of their notorious structural weakness – only 20,000 of 440,000 SPD members do not come from the countries, if you count Berlin – ruled by the SPD in all Eastern countries, in Potsdam and Schwerin, the head of government. With strong competitors, the Enjoyed, between the ore mountains and the Baltic sea have more experience than some of the country Association in the West, the retracts now bad election results. From the fact that the party section to the East of the Elbe is generally worse than in the Federal government, some now hope. “The distance to the national trend will be smaller,” says an Eastern contemporary.

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Brandenburg order as a heart chamber in the East

The national associations, the need to carry out the election campaign, are facing similar problems. Brandenburg has long been regarded as the “heart chamber” of social democracy in East Germany, since 1990, the SPD Minister-President ruled. But in the meantime, the break-in threatens the Comrades here as well. Since the state election in 2014, defeat after defeat, has lost the SPD from 34 percent now in the polls, around ten percentage points. The AfD under the leadership of the Hardcore Right Andreas Kalbitz is at the same level. The national Association of Minister-President Dietmar Woidke, also because of the weak government balance sheet, so far been on an offensive Anti-AfD-election campaign. On Tuesday Woidke was on a reception of the parliamentary group is exactly this sounds. “We are not allowed to leave the country in which the discord and sow the seeds of hate, the columns,” he warned. A further strengthening of the AfD will hurt the country massively. The SPD stand for stability and Cohesion.

In Thuringia, the SPD is plagued by a particular Problem: The country-AfD under your radical spokesman Björn Höcke German associations, unlike many Western social issues very seriously, about the question of Pensions. Only the left party, but also the AfD of the SPD on the field, not the social policy competition. The can at least build on your land-in-chief and leading candidate Wolfgang Tiefensee, as a little polarizing politician, has the best popularity ratings.

Duligs Landesverband Sachsen just gets support from top Enjoyed: party leader Andrea Nahles, General Secretary Lars Klingbeil and Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, attend in the free state these days, a lot of appointments – on a bobsled run in the ore mountains or at the VW plant in Zwickau. This looks like pre-election campaign. The Comrades reached at the last state election, 12.4 percent, want to govern with the CDU. You expect to be “unclear majority situation”, – stated in the Dresden party headquarters. The SPD wants to present itself as a reliable force.

Dulig are the carers. The SPD Commissioner for Eastern Germany shows understanding for the turn loser with the broken CV’s. “For many people, it’s objectively good,” says the Leipzig member of the German Bundestag Daniela Kolbe. “But you have the legitimate feeling that their live performance will not be recognized.” To these voters, the AfD is, however. The right-wing populists are trying to Drop and Frustrated. The Saxony SPD focuses on the “reappraisal of the post-reunification era”, but success is no response on the AfD, says Kolbe: “Not everything that happens in the East German policy, has to do with the AfD.”

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Of the three “crucial elections” for the East and the SPD as a Whole to fight Dulig speaks, looks at the exam in Schwante as a prelude to the election campaign The Meeting should help “to make the proposals known, with which the East German SPD voters can convince”.