The Berlin SPD wants promotional and information events at schools about the work and tasks of the Bundeswehr by Amendment to the education act to prohibit and joins nationwide to massive criticism, even in their own ranks. SPD-Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil distanced himself, on behalf of the party leadership: “We want to have with the Bundeswehr is a parliamentary army, and we, as the SPD, that this Parliament army will be strengthened.” To do this, it is also important to discuss in schools, and to open soldiers to continue the school doors.

After a decision of the capital of SPD, on the weekend, should be enshrined in the Berlin school law, the following passage: “It says military organizations, to advertise at the Berlin schools for the service and work in the military field.” The statement reads: “For to Kill and to Die makes no advertising.”

In the controversial decision to be given to the information meeting of the youth officers about the constitutional tasks of the German armed forces a cancellation. Young people are particularly susceptible to military Propaganda and ignorance to the real dangers of a military operation, it means to justification.

The youth officers themselves refer to the fact that the Federal constitutional court in March 1977, had decided that the state must make a contribution to the provision of Information to citizens. “As members of the armed forces, we are representatives of a democratically controlled Institution and provide us with the interested and critical Public.”

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Secretary of defense Ursula of the Leyen (CDU), described the decision and its justification as a “slap in the face to all the soldiers to order”. The Deputy Chairman of Bundestag Thomas Oppermann (SPD), called the decision “nonsense”, the SPD budget and defense expert Johannes Kahrs spoke of “a healthy Dose of ignorance”.

CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak said, with all the necessary controversy between the parties had always been clear, the German army, the structure has an important function in the democratic state. “The fact that parts of the SPD with a cheap attack on the Bundeswehr, this basic consensus in our country with the feet, showing the complete disorientation of the social Democrats.” The German social democracy, had acquired great merits for the security and political reliability of the country, for example, by Minister of defence Peter Struck. “These achievements threaten to be just sacrificed by naive and irresponsible curry favor.” The Berlin AfD Country Director Georg Pazderski said, the SPD brüskiere about 180000 active troops and 1.2 million reservists“.

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“healthy Dose of ignorance” disgruntlement about the SPD’s decision for the soldiers of the ban in schools

Paul Starzmann Georg Ismar

the head of The German teachers ‘ Association, Hans-Peter Meidinger, said horrified. “This is something I would have expected from the Left, but not of the SPD in the capital,” he said to the daily mirror. He had never heard of any school that the German armed forces do in schools to Kill and Die advertising. When the German armed forces in schools to young, done, also, in General, outside of school hours, for example, by mobile armed forces-buses, in which you can inform yourself about the fields of activity.