Postal strike threatens to expand further. If the agreement does not arise, the stevedores strike, the threat of the silence of the Finnish exports on Thursday.

postiki their search for a solution today, Tuesday. Employers representative Palta ceo Tuomas Aarto told me the night STT, that agreement was not reached Monday in negotiations.

the controversy at the heart of it, what happened to the 700 parcel sorter below, which has been transferred to the cheapest of the collective bargaining agreement covered. Postal workers representative trade union PAU will not accept their working conditions, their deterioration.

What are the options to resolve this dispute is?

One option would be that the Postal cancel the movement of the donation, which the sorters were transferred to the Postal company.

Sorter moved this month to the beginning of the second collective bargaining agreement the district in which the employer side represented by the media union and the workers industrial union.

in Moscow on Monday visited prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) refused to accept this solution option position.

also not the owner of the control of the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd.) didn’t give postiki list on Monday for an interview.

One option is that the minister put the mail in the government exchange.

at Least mps Pia salmon on (left.) I hope on Monday that the state of the owner control to wrap your sleeves and do this, if the Post does not otherwise cancel the sorter of the collective agreement transfer.

the Slope refused in Moscow to comment on whether the postal board of exchange. Rinne said that the owner of the control went Monday during the discussions.

the change of Government is not an easy solution, as the opposition would raise a fuss about political control.

One solution would be that the package type speculators to shift into the new, building-specific collective agreement.

the movement of the donation would not then have to cancel. Also the return of PAU’s and the employers ‘ association Palta old agreement is one option.

One option would be, that the employers representative media alliance bend your dispute.

the dispute to try to resolve the four labour market veteran group, with a presentation combat, however, Sunday, the media alliance.

according to the Proposal, the Postal subsidiary of the transferred parcel sorting which should be complied with Palta and PAU:between the collective agreement of the conditions on the media in the covenant.

the settlement group represented by the confederation of Finnish industries EK, the former labour leader of the Lasse Laatunen said on Monday that the escalation of the dispute to resolve it would be technically easy. In his opinion, the show abandoned the media association should evaluate the situation again.

the Slope said, too, that the social partners are trying to find Monday during the re-solution, “the mediator’s chair, and the fourth such period prepared based on a presentation by”.

Employees could also withdraw, without that package species of teijo of the situation will be resolved.

This option does not seem realistic, because the issue is the unions PAU:for key.

see also:

defender of the Aarto: postiki I negotiations will continue on Tuesday

This postiki of expanding prolonged: 10 000 postal law would strike almost christmas, the ship stuck and the next week also train you

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