The state of crisis in Venezuela threatens to be a new conflict between the U.S. and Russia. The Russian foreign Ministry warned U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday in front of a military intervention in the South American country. Such a step would trigger a catastrophic scenario, quoted by the Interfax news Agency, Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Venezuela was a strategic Partner of Russia. “We have supported and we will support you.”

In the oil-rich but impoverished country, a power of raging battle, after opposition leader Juan Guaido itself to the new Präsidentenen has appointed, and immediately Trump, as such, was recognized. The previous President, Nicolas Maduro, however, holds firmly to his position, and is supported by the military.

Ryabkov said that Russia will stand on the side of the South American state to defend its sovereignty. The United States must not interfere in the internal Affairs of Venezuela. Russia has lent Venezuela is in the billions and even the military support. In December, two Russian bombers landed in Venezuela, the atom can be used to transport weapons, which has drawn sharp criticism from the US government.

In one’s own country the state can boss Maduro still count on the support of the powerful military. His allies in Bolivia and Cuba hold on to the socialists, whose country has the largest oil reserves in the world. Russia, China, Turkey and Iran are Maduro’s support.

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to order The Federal government calls in the face of protests for new elections in the South American country. “The population of Venezuela is courageous for a free future of the country,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Thursday via a Tweet. “It requires now a political process that leads to free and credible elections.” Of the national Assembly to get a special role, called on the government spokesman.

The White house Maduro called on Wednesday to power of a peaceful surrender and threatened the socialists, otherwise, with serious consequences. “All options are on the table,” said US President Donald Trump. He will continue to insist on “the restoration of democracy in Venezuela”. A senior U.S. government representatives wanted to exclude on Wednesday to demand a military Option. “Maduro and his cronies” had no future, he said. “One way or another their days are numbered.”

Guaidó also received support from Brussels. The European Union support the Guaidó led national Assembly “as a democratically elected Institution, their powers restored and respected,” said EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini. A political process must lead to trusted “to be free and credible elections”, “in accordance with the Constitution.” EU Council President Donald Tusk wrote on Twitter: “In contrast to Maduro, the Parliament, Juan Guaidó included, has a democratic mandate from the Venezuelan citizens.”

was eagerly awaited, whether would comment on Pope Francis to the world youth day in Panama to the severe crisis in Venezuela. The word of the Church leader in the Catholic-dominated Latin America.

China called on in the power struggle in Venezuela for restraint and warned the US not to interfere. All of the pages of a military Intervention decisively rejected in Venezuela, said foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying on Thursday. Sanctions would not help to “solve practical problems”.

Video 24.01.2019, 10:03 Uhr01:22 Min.Anyone who holds to Maduro and who to Guaidó?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was also behind Maduro. He had assured him in a telephone conversation, the support of Turkey, said Erdogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, in the night from Wednesday to Thursday on Twitter. Erdogan had said: “My brother Maduro! Stand upright, we are at Your side.“ Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu emphasized in the transmitter, A commander-in-chief, Maduro was elected by the people.

Tehran is behind Maduro. “Iran supports the government and people of Venezuela against the illegitimate and illegal actions such as coup attempts, and foreign intervention in the internal Affairs of the country,” said foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi on Thursday. You hope for a peaceful solution to the political differences in the country.

Maduro broke off after the solidarity based in the USA for Guaidó the diplomatic relations of the United States and recalled its diplomatic personnel in the country. “There’s nobody here. Venezuela has the right to govern themselves in a sovereign,“ said the head of state in a speech to supporters. “The imperialist U.S. government wants to install a puppet government in Venezuela.”

Guaidó called on the staff of the Caracas-based messages, however, to Stay. Instructions to the contrary should be ignored.

US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo stated that he was not going to pull off the diplomatic personnel from the Embassy in Caracas. “The United States does not recognize the Maduro Regime as the government of Venezuela,” said Pompeo. Consequently, the former President “is not empowered to break off diplomatic relations or U.S. diplomats have to explain” to unwanted people.

Maduro has the support of the army

Venezuela’s defense Minister Vladimir Padrino assured Maduro has the support of the army. “The soldiers of the Fatherland will not accept a President who is being used by dark forces, or from the Law itself uses,” wrote Padrino on Twitter. Guaidó had appealed to the military to stand on the side of the opponents of the government.

Whether or not the change of power in Caracas succeed is likely to depend on whether the Opposition keep up the pressure on the street be maintained and that the military can draw on your page. On Wednesday, the country went far tens of thousands of people against the socialist government on the streets. The police fired tear gas grenades and rubber bullets into the crowd. Masked demonstrators hurled stones at the security forces.

According to the Observatory for social conflict came at the riots, 13 people live. At least 175 protesters were arrested, as the non-governmental organization Foro Penal. Guaidó mourned the deaths of the victims on Twitter. “Their families, I can only promise that in our father land again, justice and peace will reign”, the Parliament-in-chief.

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Venezuela President Guaidó plugged in for a long time in a deep political and economic crisis can be explained to the head of state

Venezuela, which has around 30 million inhabitants. Many government opponents are in prison or life in exile. Due to a shortage of foreign exchange, the once-rich country is hardly a food you can import, medicines and things of daily needs. Around three million Venezuelans have already fled abroad. (dpa)