in the face of citizen protests in Europe, the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte of the European Union has called for more people close to you. The gap between the EU and the people had grown in the past few years, said the head of the populist Italian government on Tuesday in the EU Parliament. Although Conte’s speech on “the future was Europe’s” moderate, came from some of the members of fierce criticism of the Italian policy. It, in turn, Conte responded indignantly.

finally, Italy had a number of conflicts with EU partners, especially with France, which called back its Ambassador to Rome for consultations. With the EU Commission’s Conte’s government had quarreled violently about the preparation of the budget. And in the dispute over the deal with Venezuela, Italy found itself isolated.

Conte defended dispensed with sharp attacks against the EU

Conte its policy and urged a change of course for Europe. A “liberal orientation” of economic policy and the austerity programs during the economic and financial crisis, he was responsible for the alienation of the citizens. “Man has gradually lost the contact to the people,” he said.

Specifically, Conte called for more powers for the EU Parliament, as well as the completion of economic and monetary Union with a “sharing of risks”. Decisions for a common European migration policy should not longer be delayed. The recent bilateral conflicts between EU States can be attributed to the inability on the EU level to find solutions.

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In his speech, Conte dispensed all-too-sharp attacks against the EU. Compared to the two strong Vice-Premier Matteo Salvini of the right-wing Lega and Luigi Di Maio of the anti-EU Five star movement, he is considered to be moderate, and as a mediator.

bull man: “Senseless escalation” between France and Italy

Several EU deputies accused the Italian government, however, to navigate further into the European Away. Deputy Prime Minister Luigi di Maio was abusing his office in order to support the rioters undermined the “yellow West”, criticized the Chairman of the liberals in the EU Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt. It was irresponsible.

the Chairman of The social democratic group, Udo Bullmann, defendant is a “mindless escalation” between France and Italy, in which there are only losers would be. The government in Rome, driving the country “more and more in the economic and political Isolation.” Also the handling of the government on the high seas rescued migrants bull man scolded.

Italy had most recently repeatedly rescue vessels from refugee aid organizations for weeks, not in its ports of entry. The people on Board had become “a prisoner of an ideology,” said Bullmann. The government should cease to show a “smiling Face of inhumanity”. The Chairman of the Christian Democrats in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber (CSU), called for reforms and more budgetary discipline in Italy. “A stable household is critical for a strong economy,” said Weber. Instead, you see a growing debt.

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Dominik Straub

In the debate stretching defended Conte’s first objectively against the criticism expressed about some of the allegations but also visibly indignant. They were to meet not only him but the whole Italian people, he said. It had been said that the “shameful things”, for example, that Italy let children in the sea to die. The differences with France playing to a damage to the relationship of the two countries, is absurd. (dpa)