During the Monday closed pendeltågsspåren 3-4 in Stockholm City. The reason was that the supervisors, the black rubber strips that work like the handrails of the escalators, had been derailed.

But the problem with the broken escalators are available at several locations in the SL traffic. One of the stations most affected are the World where there is only one output.

the escalator, but the one upward is turned off for maintenance. The other upward escalator is taken out of use because of a havererad gear.

the Site News Järva has written about the inconvenience this means for Rinkebyborna and citing, inter alia, a traveler who describes the local people’s daily lives on Facebook: ”A single rise of three escalators, one of which goes downward and the other two are off. The long queue of passengers struggling up the 110 steps. And the queue for the only elevator does not end until the next train comes and fills in with new people.”

would work, to repair the escalators to be finished on 22 march.

“It has taken longer than it would because the discovery of new problems during the time,” says Alexander Krajisnik at SL.

He says that the escalators in Husby, which has two outputs and a total of six escalators have identical switches that the escalators in Rinkeby. The plan, therefore, was to borrow a switch from Husby because the station would be able to cope without one of their escalators.

” this was a way to speed up the process. There are no layers of gears and gearboxes. Each escalator is custom-built for their station. In addition, in this case, then they were identical, so it is a fairly exceptional solution, ” says Alexander Krajisnik.

of the gearbox, which consists of two switches, it was found that both of the gears was broken.

– This led to that we could not put the escalator in operation in the last week as we had hope. The preliminary forecast is that it should be ready next week instead.

the Other stations that had rulltrappsstrul at the latest time is, inter alia, Odenplan, Gullmarsplan and Hornstull.

about 500 escalators, but according to SL, it is impossible to say how many of those who are currently beset by problems.

– It is quite common that the escalators stop, especially during the winter when a lot of gravel in the machinery that gets stuck on the shoes and go with it. Most of the stops will be fixed after a few hours or during the day, but then we have a number of stations as in Rinkeby, where it takes a longer time, ” says Claes Keisu, presskommunikatör at SL.

Tomas Eriksson (MP) is kollektivtrafikregionråd with responsibility for accessibility issues, and regrets the fact that the problems in this World are not yet fixed.

– It is not acceptable. I myself have been there and can confirm that it shows the challenges they face are, for example, we do not have the ability to have spare parts so extensively.

Read more: Risk of personal injury when demands on the escalators subsidies were discontinued – 187 million to fix

Read more: Bad link the cause to the summer rulltrappskaos