The national survey, conducted since 1986, identifies advocacy and how Swedish people’s attitudes and habits change over time.

2018 year study, which was presented in Gothenburg on Tuesday, shows that the swedes support for the EU increases for the EUROPEAN elections. Of the just over 10,000 swedes aged 16-85 years who responded to enkätfrågorna shows 59 percent support for the EU. Only 16 percent are against.

who reviewed the answers, says that Britain’s decision to go out of the EU and the problems that this created are likely to play a role in the numbers.

“We saw that support for the EU went down in connection with the referendum on Brexit in 2016, but then increased it again,” says Berg, and notes that a Swexit doesn’t feel particularly current.

Only 14 percent of swedes think that an american withdrawal is a good idea.

there has been a clear change in the support for the EU in both age and when it comes to political affiliation.

– In the 90’s, it was clear those who were right that was for EU, but today we do not see the difference between left and right anymore. And while there in the 90’s was the older of which was for the EU is the strongest support now in the younger age groups, ” observes Berg.

The EU support is high by international standards. Among the EU countries the figure is 43 per cent.

THAT survey also shows that the issue of whether Sweden should introduce the euro in principle is dead. Just 13 per cent think that it is a good suggestion.

Among the political parties, it is above all the Green party supporters, which has become more EU-friendly.