on Tuesday during the meeting of the Suomussalmi municipality, the government knocked out the unanimous thoughts of the baby the money I paid.

the board was in receipt of baby money, the two initiatives. Left council the initiative was presented, that the municipality would take use 1 000 the baby money, which would be paid for each board born children next year. Citizen initiative was presented to the 10 000 baby money, which would be paid for 10 years.

education director Sirpa Mikkonen not see the baby money sensible solution and justify the decision inter alia on a weakened economy. Council initiative, the baby money would bring to the board, possibly up to 30 000 euros in spending, residents ‘ initiative presented baby money 10 times more.

While extra money is not, the municipality intends to invest more in existing children and families services.

– Suomussalmi municipality for families with children offering services are of high quality and comprehensive. Early childhood education works in a flexible and basic education runs high quality, the municipality has good recreational opportunities, Mikkonen said the decision in its proposal.

the mayor Erno Heikkinen is the education director with the same line and adds that the municipality invests in financially children and young people.

the New school building and the sports hall renovation are the municipalities really strong investments in children and families services, Heikkinen said.

baby money is used in Kainuu, only to cross the lake and Puolangalla.

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