the Question on the children to the ICE-combatants has become increasingly acute after IS is defeated and driven to flight. According to the government’s estimate, it involves around 80 Swedish children in the north of Syria. Some with one or two parents, the other orphans.
the Government has changed its mind in the last few months. In February was the announcement from interior minister Mikael Damberg to the children is the responsibility of the parents. However, last week, announced the minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S), to the children ”if possible” to be able to come home.

Both the multiple parties and organizations such as Save the Children has called on the government to bring home the children. Margot Wallström said on Monday to the TT that the issue must be thoroughly investigated.

Photo: Lisa Mattisson

” I think you need to try to calm down and not stir up anything. There is no fast and simple method. There is no one who can just go down there and check in the camp and to download the homes of their citizens. But we are not out of something, but is working as quickly as we can, ” she says to TT.

Read more: Swedish children emaciated in the camp with ICE-prisoners

understand that it takes time for the government to identify the situation.

” I have respect for the fact that the government is not thrown out in a cocksure conclusion. There are a few grundpremisser. Sweden must not download adult of people who went down to Syria to participate in terrorist activities. They will return to Sweden, they should be held accountable and punished. But children are not adults. In the case of orphaned children who are documented Swedish citizens, Sweden has a responsibility to bring home the children.

– They are first and foremost the responsibility of the parents. So it must be. I think that the state’s special responsibility should be directed to orphaned children, to Swedish nationals who are orphans. The government will come back to us today with the information about how to look at the situation.

With the ”documented citizens” mean the Conservatives that the Swedish authorities can prove that the child/children are born in Sweden, or alternatively born in a country of at least one Swedish parent.

How to prove transfer M to the MINISTRY to answer.

According to the minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström’s press secretary is no new news to wait during the day.