In the fall, was the rededication of the national museum, the largest art event in Sweden – in spring is the reopening of the Röhsska museum. In the autumn of 2016, took the Gothenburg cultural committee of the the drastic decision to close the council-owned museum for fashion, design and crafts, after years of internal conflict. But also under-funding and lack of renovation contributed to perspective the problem that we.

Now I hope for a renaissance for the venerable museum. In the summer, got the Röhsska a new manager in Norwegian Nina Due, which has resulted in a reorganization. The entrance hall has been remodelled to improve accessibility and provide a more welcoming impression, while the fine collection has been enriched with new acquisitions and received new presentations. If the betting also leads to more catchpenny temporary exhibitions remains to be seen.

the Modern museum’s successful director, Daniel Birnbaum just stopped and parhästen Ann-Sofi Noring been elevated to the acting superintendent. According to the Ministry of culture, can a new manager be appointed only after the formation of the government is clear, but my guess is that it takes longer than that, judging by how the man caught with the appointment of The superintendent.

Modern and other state museums have far worse challenges in the spring after the Moderates and the Christian democrats strongly cut down the budget for culture and forced through a slopning of the free entrance. This is the second time the museums with short notice need to plan and reduce their expenditure, despite the fact that exhibitions are often contracted several years in advance.

Disrespectful, says I, and sadly for the audience of both the democratic and programmatic reasons. The risk for the less expansive activities is obvious.

Read more: Modernachefen after the removed gratisentrén: ”A mockery of all serious cultural leadership”

Read more : After harsh criticism – gratisentrén of museums left to the spring

Fredrik Paulsen is the current at the Röhsska with ”Unmaking the Democratic Design” Photo: Jason Evans

In 2.5 years, the Röhsska museum has been closed, as a result of arbetsplatsproblem and in need of renovation. So the reopening is long overdue. The museum has been given a new entrance and the new main exhibition ”Inspiration east Asia”. Also three temporary exhibitions open, with the new acquisitions, the icelandic designer Brynjar Sigurdarson and Fredrik Paulsens democratic design project where visitors can make the chairs in place.

Constantin Hansen ”En lille pige, Elise Købke, with a kop in front of”, 1850. Photo: SMK Photo/Skou-Hansen/Buccarella


During the 1800s the first half of the year Denmark was hit hard by war and crises, at the same time as the city’s cultural life flourished in the romantic characters. The national museum program is now the lovely Danish guldålderskonsten in a collaboration with the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen. Artists turned from the everyday misery and depicted nature and the emerging bourgeois life with the intimacy, freshness and detail.

Gilbert & George ”Beardsters” Photo: Gilbert & George

Gilbert & George are two individuals, with a common oeuvre. Since the 1960s, the iconic duo lived in the same Londonkvarter and created works that challenged art’s and society’s conventions. Modern, the museum’s outgoing director, Daniel Birnbaum, is one of the curators of ”The Great Exhibition”, but Gilbert & George themselves have made the selection of images that fill the exhibition space from floor to ceiling.

Julia Beck, ”At the canal, Grez”, 1883. Picture cropped. Photo: Stockholms auktionsverk

The small French village of Grez-sur-Loing in Sweden is legendary for its vibrant artists ‘ colony, with names like Karin and Carl Larsson, Karl and Tekla Nordström, Julia Beck, and August Strindberg. Waldemarsudde in a series of exhibitions nytolkat known konstnärskolonier and here Gréz for the first time, a more international approach, with contributions by, among others, the canadian William Blair Bruce.

Victoria Andersson ”Under the surface”, embroidery, Photo: Edsvik konsthall

“Áigemátki” (Time travel) is a traveling exhibit with the sami contemporary art, one of the many expressions of the cultural boom in Sápmi. The majority of work reflects the oppression of sami culture and living space, and it involved well-known artists such as Britta Marakatt-Labba, Tomas Colbengtson, Synnøve Persen, Maret Anne Sara, and Anders Sunna. Several of them pop up again in Tensta konsthall’s exhibition ”Let the river live”.

Claude Cahun, self portrait ( as weight trainer). Photo: Jeresey heritage collection

Long before the concept of queer existence, experimented the cocksure young tutor belyaev Claude Cahun (1894-1954) with norm-breaking, transgender role playing games. Hen operated in the outskirts of Paris in the surrealist circles and is now seen as a pioneer in queering the art. In the summer, the Mjellby art museum proudly announce the first solo exhibition in Sweden with Claude Cahuns influential, staged photographs.

Heather Dewey-Hagborgs ”Radical Love, the DNA portrait of Chelsea Manning”. Photo: Heather Dewey-Hagborg

the Exhibition ”the Future starts here” is produced by Londonmuseet the Victoria & Albert and brings together 80 innovative design projects, all based on cutting-edge technology. Here you can see everything from the electronic muscles that provide older new strength, to a gosedjursrobot and portraits, created on the basis of genetic information. In addition, a kit for kryopreservering, for the freezing of a body and the ability to resurrect it.

Cecilia Paredes works ”Both Worlds” appears on the Supermarket Photo: Cecilia Paredes

The artist-run, international contemporary art fair Supermarket is established in the year in the newly built Sickla Front. This time is the exhibition one week prior to the Stockholm Art Week and also includes satellitutställningar around town. Around 50 galleries will participate, including Canada, USA, Mexico, south Africa, Israel and south Korea, except for Sweden and a number of european countries. And that standard is the term rich.

the Self-portrait of Greta Knutson-Tzara, called ”Interior with woman and child”, ca 1940. Photo: Mats Arvidsson

The Swedish painter Greta Knutson (1899-1983) was in the middle of the action in Paris in the 1920s. She spent time in avantgardkretsar around the surrealists André Breton and the dadaist Tristan Tzara, who became her husband. Yet, her oeuvre has fallen into oblivion. But thanks to several years of research, the Norrköping Art museum, in our present the first large retrospektiven after her death.

Allora & Calzadilla,”Hope the Hippo”. Photo by Giorgio Boata

”Animal / Art of species and existences”

Bildmuseets summer exhibition is about the world’s vulnerable position and the bead, crackle the image of man as the crown of creation. This includes film, painting, skulpturinstallation and the art that is said to redefine ”the relationship between man, nature and non-human beings”. Among the artists are Mary Beth Edelson, Luca Frei, Pierre Huyghe, Louise Lawler, Philippe Parreno and Britta Marakatt-Labba.