According to the Spying on suspected Islamists at airports in Paris and Stuttgart are in the state of Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia have been several homes have been searched. In the Baden part of the South-Western German Federal state was an object to be searched, in NRW. The dpa has learned from security circles, the spokesman for the Stuttgart Prosecutor’s office, Heiner Römhild, confirmed to the Reuters news Agency, the Information.

“Currently Apartment run as searches. Currently, no one has been taken into custody,” he said. The Prosecutor’s office in Stuttgart are investigating on suspicion of preparing a serious seditious act of violence against four well-known Accused, as the authority announced on Friday in Stuttgart, the German press Agency.

In the case of the spying attempt, the suspected Islamists had, especially the processes in the area of the passenger control. The baden-württemberg Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl (CDU) announced on Friday. They stopped in a striking way in the Terminals. “The investigation is to run the backgrounds of the spying trial at the Stuttgart airport.” Strobl confirmed that there is remuneration of the Suspects to the Islamist Milieu. Concrete information, he did not. The safety precautions have increased since the incident at the airports in the southwest. Information on a specific risk are not available currently.

Seehofer: No evidence of risk at other airports

Also on Friday at several airports in the Region tightened security arrangements were in force. This related to the Stuttgart airport and the Airports of Friedrichshafen, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden and Mannheim. Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) said on Friday that he had no knowledge about exploits at other German airports. “The attention is sure to be increased at all airports now,” said Seehofer in Munich press club. “We now have no further knowledge at other airports, such as we have in Stuttgart and other airports in Parts of France.”

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Seehofer said that the security authorities wanted to say no alarmism, but the people are clear which knowledge is available. He could ask the population to be vigilant – was “the best prevention against terrorist attacks”.

The police according to the suspect, the Stuttgart airport has twice been scouted for an attack. Last week, and on Wednesday, a surveillance camera Arabic filmed-looking young men, who were at the security gate, without a flight and without any Luggage, said security sources on Thursday the daily mirror.

When the investigation leads to a trail to Aachen. According to dpa-information is last week, at the largest airport in France, the Paris Airport Charles de Gaulle, a Transporter with Aachen, mark noticed. The car is, therefore, a Salafist of Moroccan descent, has a number of similar vehicles and the authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia, already longer. He was able to Reportedly flee before him, the French police stop and interrogate. According to information of the dpa the investigations are directed against a father and son from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Already on Thursday the French police had confirmed the circles information of the newspaper “Journal du Dimanche” (JDK), according to which the men in Paris were in a Mercedes Sprinter with a German license plate on the road. The 48-year-old car owners, according to “JDK” in the German authorities ‘ list of “Gefährdern”.

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the risk of terror attacks on the airports in Stuttgart and Paris

Frank Jansen

feared On the track, the investigators came to the men, according to the “SWR”-information by notes of Moroccan security agencies. They had intercepted a suspicious Chat messages and transmitted. The speech was an attack on an airport in the German-French border area, as a revenge for Western policies. (Tsp, dpa, Reuters, AFP)