Along an exterior hallway on the lower floor of a yellow apartment building is a window pane on a door glass shattered. The deadbolt to the door is slashed, and the handle is missing. The wood in the door is flisat and pieces of the facade destroyed.

On the inside we get a glimpse of a leather sofa and a white chest of drawers. A lamp is flashing. None of the nearest neighbors seems to be at home. At half past the afternoon, the two workers who have been given the task to cook the remains of the door.

of the several arrests that Police made in western Sweden Thursday morning. A person has so far been arrested, suspected of preparation or alternatively conspiracy to commit terrorist crimes.

In the mill town Lilla Edet, barely six miles north of Gothenburg, woke up a flerbarnsmamma of a big bang, at half past seven.

– All the kids woke up and were frightened, they came up and laid in my bed and tried to fall asleep again. But it was not, ” she says.

– Then we went out and checked and then it was a lot of police officers who stood here. But the police stopped us from going out.

the raid took place is a school. In the afternoon when the DN visiting the site is the school yard up to

– At the’clock I went out again and asked [police] if I had to go with the kids to school. The school is located right here below. He said that it was not in any danger so I went with my daughter to school. The police was left to the twenty in ten approximately, says flerbarnsmamman.

Several neighbors testify the tremendous bang. A few hundred meters from the apartment stands a Small Edetbo and fix with the boat. But he fell asleep again, after what he describes as a hefty whack in the early morning. He has lived in the area since 1984.

” It’s scary to say but there has been so much the firecrackers and stuff. You start to become van. I woke up to the of the bang, but turned around and fell asleep again. I have become immune to it, ” he says.

tells us that she tends to see those who lived in the apartment. But they used to not cheer on each other.

And in school, which is adjacent to the house, teachers have failed to talk about what happened in the house early in the morning.

“They didn’t want to make the other kids scared,” says the daughter.

Julia Färjhagen, kommunstyrelseordförande in Lilla Edet, said that the police informed the city council that the security Police made arrests in the municipality.

” It’s a small community and it’s very much police out on the town. Therefore, we wrote our information on our website.

“I have no information about some addresses and we does not comment on the incident more than what we have posted on the website,” says Färjhagen.


Photo: Tomas Ohlsson

At half past five o’clock in the evening shines light inside a grocery store again, after it has been closed during the greater part of the day. It is located a few hundred metres from the apartment in Lilla Edet, where the police crackdown on Thursday morning. It was the subject of a polistillslag on Thursday morning.

Earlier on Thursday, there was a large amount of journalists on the spot.

three men inside, including for years after. One of them introduces himself as the store owner.

He shakes his head when DN ask what it was that happened in the morning. He is originally from Syria but has lived in the United arab Emirates in fifteen years. He has lived in Sweden for four years and a friend to help translate.

– There were policemen with police dogs here in the morning. They took him to the station in Gothenburg and asked a lot of questions like: where do you live? What do you do? How big is your family? His name and age and where he had traveled, and so on. They asked about his nationality. The kind of questions.

They also came home to him, and checked through everything in his home, which is located here next to the deal. They took his computers, both from the store and from home. The computers are now with the police. But they released him after three hours.

on the drink. The store’s walls are adorned with tin cans with different content and fluorescent lighting.

” No one knows why they took him in. He has all his family here. His children go to school.

He continues:

– In the newspaper, it was something about terrorism. But [the shopkeeper] here is no terrorist. The police officers who arrested him said that they did not know why they picked him.