Car and transport workers ‘ union AKT threats to expand the support operations in the Postal and logistics union Pau collective for. ACP says that if the postal strike continued, its members are overtime and shift exchange ban since Tuesday December 8. day.

the PAU has also announced that its strike continues 8. until December.

Already, the ACP was told that it would start on Monday a week-long strike at Pau in support. That during the strike the ACP-eu members to refrain from work Mail Transport Ltd as well as all workplaces of Mail of goods and shipment processing.

Conciliation will continue on Sunday

Several unions have announced support PAUlle. Earlier support activities are reported to the Finnish Seamen’s Union, Finnish Aviation Union (IAU), the railway sector Union (RAU), as well as the Public and welfare sectors union (JHL).

Finnish electrical workers ‘ union’s board of directors decided on Thursday to support the action, which is scheduled for release on Monday. Also, the electricity association has announced its readiness to launch support measures.

the Post labor dispute, the parties, the general workers ‘ union PAU and employers representing the Service sector employers (Palta), met for the last time the kingdom of the mediator Anemone Piekkalan the chair on Friday. Mediation efforts continue on Sunday at 14 o’clock.

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