Opened the season a veteran, Juan Vicente Herrera, president of Castilla and León. “I am an old dog. I’ve been 27 years in the regional policies and even though I’ll have to go with some chagrin I will not be I who preached in my political party, the re-centralization of Spain. Modestly, in Castilla y León, when we are evaluated by external entities, we can justify for what you want to Castilla y León with the powers to serve”, said Tuesday the leader of the popular marking distances with Married.
Herrera rejects the re-centralization of powers that it proposes, Married The strategy of being Married in front of Vox divided the leaders of the PP
PP leader tried to clarify that it referred to the autonomy, “unfair”, in the same line as last September, the deputy secretary of the organization, Javier Maroto, spoke of “those that misbehave”, by comparing the withdrawal of powers to the withdrawal of the pays the child who disobeys. Married inisiste in the Consntitución establishes that Education is a state, the communities only manage it and that it is possible to make a clear law in core subjects, with the same curriculum, enhancing the high state inspection to avoid “indoctrination” , or that a community may say to children, “in what language you have to talk in the playground”.
The State, according to the law in force, approved by the PP in 2013 without the support of any other parliamentary group, already provides the content, the hours minimum, and the evaluation of the mandatory subjects (stem). On the specific, rules about estándarse of learning (what there is to know by the end of the course). The regional governments set the agenda, the timetable and the evaluation of the credits of free configuration, autonomic, design the agenda of the specific matters (the thread-I objectives set by the State) and can complete the the mandatory. De facto, this means that the State controls 55% of the hours taught in the comunnidades with language co-official status, and 65% in the rest. There is already a high inspection to Fenomenbet detect abuses.
The popular have not drafted the text of that proposal recentralizadora, which will be an amendment to the entirety of the new educational law of the socialist party, which has not been presented yet. Married ensures that has already pulled their proposal with the autonomous presidents of the PP. This lack of specificity has been generated that has voices, -also within the party – for and against.
Herrera explained that it seemed unfair the attacks on the autonomic system. “I hope my party is the one that has brought me to here that value and keep it”. In Galicia, sources of laXunta deny that Married propose a re-centralization of Education. “there is no novelty”, they say. Advocate for maintaining the transfer by adding “improvements”. “The basic content, as we have always defended, should be developed by a representation of the set of teachers from all the communities to ensure that education is homogeneous,” says the PP of Feijóo. “The PP is still where it has always been: in defense of the Constitution and the Statutes of Autonomy”.
The PP in the balearic islands is in agreement with the management by the State of certain aspects in the area of education, although not of a global recovery of the educational management. The spokesperson of the formation in the islands, Llorenç Galmés, praises, proposals such as that of creating a MIR for teachers around the State and promote a national system of evaluation of the centres of education. Argues that the proposal of Married does not pass through a recovery of the educational skills that have transferred to the autonomous communities. “We talk about unifying tests, textbooks and curricula. It is another thing to outsource the competencies of the central Government”.
The spokesperson of the Executive murcia, Noelia Arroyo, shows the arrangement of Murcia to return those powers in regard to the “quality of education” and the “inspection” to ensure the “correct evaluation” of the system, to have a “core program” and a few common textbooks the leader of The PP andaluz and candidate to the upcoming elections, Juan Manuel Moreno, denies that Married advocates for a re-centralization. “He said that the State should exercise the powers it already has and has done a dereliction of duties. The 17 educational models have led us to a u-turn and there is a clear consensus”.
The PP basque has decided “not to assess the proposal of Married until detail in writing”. Its president in the Basque country, Alfonso Alonso, says that the announcement is still “embryonic”.
Sources of the Community of Madrid ensure that looks “positive” to strengthen the role of the High Inspectorate of the State, establish a test access to the national university (EVAU), a system of access to the teaching common to the whole of Spain (MIR Education) or to ensure that all students can access education in Spanish.
With information of Juan José Mateo, Sonia Vizoso, Maria Josep Serra, Mikel Ormazábal, Javier Martín-Arroyo, Lucia Bohórquez and Virginia Vadillo.