The basque Government has addressed this Thursday in very critical terms to EH Bildu to blame his “lack of honesty” and your “void” will to achieve an agreement on the budget seemed to 2019, which have been finally withdrawn by the Executive after failing negotiations with the coalition nationalist. The lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, and the minister of Finance, Pedro Azpiazu, have admitted this Thursday to be “disappointed” and lamented that “the most radical” of EH Bildu has frustrated the covenant. “She has not wanted to negotiate, but only appear to,” said the representative basque.


Urkullu extended budgets after failing the negotiation with Bildu, The basque Government is pushing for Bildu and gives him 24 hours to agree budgets

The regional government has approved this morning at an extraordinary council the withdrawal of the draft budget, a decision forced by the lack of understanding the training pro-sovereignty, which forces him to extend the accounts of this exercise. “The attitude of EH Bildu is not compatible with the assumption of a real willingness on the negotiator. There has been No honesty, not even in the forms. Their failures to internal, they have made the party more radical in their positions has slowed a good deal for the Basque country”, has stated Azpiazu.

The increase of the lowest pensions by a plug-in of the Income Guarantee and the commitment to establish a minimum wage of 1,200 euros in contracts from the Administration, the basque have been the two main sticking points in the seven meetings and five proposals that have been handled by the Government and EH Bildu during the negotiation process.

Urkullu has criticized that the coalition led by Arnaldo Otegi “has not been honest” and “has played with the expectations of the pensioners in good faith.” “We have approached postures and responded to the demands with responsibility, but the end has been disappointing because, as we have attended to their demands, have returned to their positions maximalist original”, it has affirmed the lehendakari. Eh Bildu required to establish at 858 euros per month, the lowest pensions from 2019 onwards. In the last bid, the Department of Finance to accept a rise in progressive pension until they reach that figure in 2021, as in the next legislature.

“there Has been a lack of respect with the attitude of the basque Government on the part of EH Bildu,” said the director of Finance, who has attributed the outcome to the “stage fright” and the “calculation” elections of the abertzales. To support this assertion, Azpiazu has revealed that the last proposal submitted on Wednesday by the Government, EH Bildu answered “with the same paper that was delivered on the Monday, with a date of Monday”, which led the negotiation, “the point of departure”. “Have wanted to become the champion of the pensioners basques, taking their claims,” he added.

Azpiazu has warned of the “limitations” of the extension budget, but has released a message of tranquility, because the basque Government will try to “mitigate” its effects. Among other consequences, the Executive will not be able to apply a rise of 2.25% in the wages of the 90,000 staff basques, according to the economic project that has been removed, unless the Parliament approves a line of credit that will enable that game.

“frightened” budget of EH Bildu, as a qualified counselor, has caused unease in the PNV, which had focused all of his negotiating strategy in a pact with the nationalists. The president of the basque nationalists, Andoni Ortuzar, has been accused by EH Bildu of “load” the accounts of the 2019 despite the fact that a sector of this coalition was keen to seal an agreement. “It is still much more comfortable behind the banner shouting, getting involved to solve the problems,” he said. And he added: “there Were pensioners who would have been able to improve their pension from January 50 euros per month, and the following year at 100 euros, reaching 858 in 2021. And now zero. That is the great operation that has made Bildu to load this budget”.