In a bout of hubris proclaimed health minister Bent Tall (H) in the 2016 peace in the Hospital-Norway. No akuttsykehus would be laid down. The structure is fixed. The future is all about the development of those we have.

it was So not. Hospitals are made up, but there is nothing to indicate that we’ll get sykehusfred in our time. Of course. There is little that is as political as hospital. Politicians live the entire life without having to argue about something other than operasjonssaler and fødestuer.

the Centre party’s representatives, for example. They only need to light the beacon on a hill around Odda before they have mustered a national army of slagordmaskiner to fakkeltogene. From all the political parties out there, there are hundreds of community that goes with a sykehusdrøm in the stomach. No one will have fewer, everyone will have to have more.

It is easy to understand why it is so. Even if we don’t like to think of it, we become sick one day. People need the help. Perhaps we salvaged the life of the close to basic emergency medical services. Few will settle outside blålysenes range.

In the world’s wealthiest countries do not see people carefully away on the concerned samfunnsøkonomen if the local hospital is in danger. They rather go to the stemmelokalet with safety, health, and workplace hospitals brings with it, in the back of my mind.

health minister on High, therefore never peace from the hospitals. But he did well to protect very many of them. In a time when the centre-periphery conflict increases, is sentraliseringer and closures of the feeding of the monster that splits and polarising. Nærpolitireformen has done enough damage in the debate about the emergency services that there is. Now, there are not many cuts in the postbæringa before it overflows to the people in the towns throughout the country. And who can blame them?

But neither on High, or the centre party can fall in love too much in sykehuskartet we operate with today. No one can fredes for always. The budgets also do not allow the lack of overall control. We can’t build and keep everything we want. The consideration of the profitability and quality of the supply, must always be weighed against the desire for closeness.

hospital emergency function has also changed over the last fifty years. People today who go to treatment at a hospital shall in time to come probably be treated by a municipal services that is somewhere between fastlegeordningen and hospitals. With there is also the need for hospitals in the immediate vicinity less than in the day. Hospitals are composed are further specialized.

But before the hospitals are fewer, there are probably more. The interior will get a new, large akuttsykehus between OLYMPIC cities along the eastern shore of lake Mjøsa. Structure and localization for Helgelandssykehuset is in no way settled, and can easily end in bloody skirmishes.

the Capital city has a great need for a vigorous increase in capacity at Aker hospital. Akershus university hospital has already cramped for space. In addition to Ullevål hospital will probably be demolished and sold to boligutbyggere, only to be resurrected a few metres to the northwest, at the national hospital at Gaustad. To large protests from both doctors and trade unions. In the same instant should also Radiumhospitalet modernized.

Someone will have to pay more tax. Is that you? Comment

the Developments in the capital alone will cost 60 billion – before the customary, public budsjettsprekkene popping up.

low that suggests that politicians have an easy task of balancing the health sector’s various interests in the future. In the myriad of studies, profesjonskamp, economic considerations and distriktspolitikk, brewing a variety of potentially major conflicts. The left has already notified the replay of a Response-the closure, and kvesser together with a number of participants clutches before the hearing in the Storting in the beginning of march.

The second major conflict in the Solberg-government itself to blame. In Granavolden-platform switch they fixed that Finnmarkssykehuset HF is a part of the University hospital of Tromsø (UNN). It means that hospitals in Hammerfest and Kirkenes, together with the hospitals in Harstad and Narvik, in a pure political jiffy, are subject to TREAT. Without exposition. Without professional justification.

But also out of the blue. To Today’s Medicine said TREAT-director Anita Schumacher that she “didn’t heard this put forward as a concrete proposal before it was presented in regjeringsplattformen.”

Just that in itself is somewhat amazing, but also means on the rare weak political craftsmanship of the otherwise quite solid minister of health. As Markus Moe, the editor in Today’s Medicine, tart described it: “In over ten years one has discussed how sykehusstrukturen in the metropolitan area should be. [..] In the county of Finnmark one can, however, put down a hospital after a classroom teaching instructions each week in Hadeland.”

the progress party and the Left believe the amendment allows for the construction of a new akuttsykehus in Alta. High rejects new sykehusstruktur in the region, but may be a tough task to deal with the internal opposition. The job is not easier by the fact that the clock is ticking towards the elections.

Conflicts is good examples of helsepolitikkens biggest problem in the years to come. Limited financial resources face strong local and professional forces that want more than the welfare state can deliver. For such dilemmas is no cure. Modern medicine has a variety of vidunderkurer, but little that helps against hospital-syken.