Liberal in the CDU fear that Kramp-Karrenbauer brings the party to the right. Quite so simple it is not. But it’s true: The new Boss should finish your course of the blur.
comment by Robert rossmann, Berlin Robert rossmann
Robert rossmann is a graduate of the German school of journalism. He studied Economics, communications and political science. At the age of 27, he became editor of the süddeutsche Zeitung. Previously, he had worked at the Bayerischer Rundfunk. In 1997, rossmann was the Deputy news chief of the SZ, in the year 2000, he took over the management of the Bayern part. At the end of 2004, he became parliamentary correspondent in Berlin. In 2007, he went to work as a Newsdesk-head back to Munich. Since 1. In January 2012, he is Deputy head of the Parliamentary office in Berlin.
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follow a Lot of Liberals in the CDU deals with the question for several weeks: Pushes the new President Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer your party too far to the right? The most recent surveys, in which the Union has stagnated at 30 per cent, and show a dwindling popularity of the new Chairperson, would seem to confirm the concern. On Friday, the “Union of the center”, a previously loose discussion group of liberal Christian Democrats meet for the first Time in Berlin to discuss the situation.
The CDU member of the Bundestag Roderich Kiesewetter has described his point of view, already clear in advance: With your current course, the CDU, leaving the center, take to coalition options – and strength the Green. The show that the course was of Angela Merkel “way”. The CDU?
she is on the numerous Merz-voters have been received, that was not prudent and necessary
Now, quite as simple as it is. What is Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, after the party Congress in December, has made, was so wise as necessary. It is especially in the received that you have not chosen. Friedrich Merz had brought from the booth of almost 50 per cent of the delegates behind, the disappointment of his supporters about the defeat was enormous. In the CDU, many rightly feared that the close decision by the presidency could trigger huge friction in the party. That Kramp-Karrenbauer, therefore, first of all, especially the business wing and the Conservative in your party has dealt with, was correct.
This also applies to their Gestures in the direction of the CSU. Kramp-Karrenbauer is still during your winter holidays to the monastery of Seeon for the exam of the Christian social traveled. And it has been shown in refugee policy, with its “workshop conversation” a readiness to debate on the topic, as it has under Merkel. With all of this is managed by the new CDU leader, to avoid a split in their party and to mend the cracks between the CDU and the CSU. Her for helping the poor Federal election result and the resulting even in the case of the CSU gained insight that coated the dispute is damaging to the Union; but that doesn’t diminish the power Kramp cart Builder. Only a United Union can be in the upcoming elections successfully.
is true, however, that the new CDU-Chefin is now arrived at an important crossroads. The first supply of the year-long conflict wundgeriebenen Union parties is completed. Conservative, business wing and its sister party in the South, have confidence in the new CDU leader. But now, Kramp has to take care of-karrenbauer also back to the liberals in your party. And, above all, you must show where you really want to.
The new CDU leader denies that want their party to the right back. But with your explanation, border closures as a last resort, or with demands like the purchase of a European aircraft carrier, it has signals which can be perceived as a shift to the right. The Ultra-Conservative of the values-Union already believe to have the upper water.
Also, therefore, Kramp-karrenbauer will finish your course now the blur and clearly need to make sure you don’t want to give up the middle actually. Otherwise, Roderich Kiesewetter had with its forecast, but still right.