Vårändringsbudgeten is based on an agreement between the social democrats, the Greens, the Liberals and the Centre party.

The latter party’s economic policy spokesperson, Emil Källström is pleased with the reforms that they managed to negotiate.

” this is a budget that rests on four legs. Countryside, environment, jobs and entrepreneurship, and gender equality. And it was also our four main priorities. So it is clear that I am very pleased that we have received through bets. So it becomes not always, but this time we managed to, ” he says.

Källström says that C has a ”key role in Swedish politics”.

– There will be no budget if we do not vote for it. It gives extra gunpowder in the budget negotiations.

” It has not been necessary, but all can count mandate.

the Centre has in the past been strong opponents to the flygskatten introduced by the government in the last legislature. It is a reform that is in the new budget. According to Källström, the party has not changed position on the issue but that it was a compromise.

” I think most people understand how a compromise works, and can additionally weigh for and against each other. There is a price to pay, but it is a very cheap price to pay given everything we have been through, ” he says.

” It was a new experience but you learn as long as you live. And it has been good, constructive talks with respect for the different inputs we have and the result speaks for itself I think.

Oscar Sjöstedt’s economic policy spokesperson of The sweden democrats and is ”not impressed” by the result.

” I think there are a lot of unfortunate priorities. A lot of money that we, together with M and KD shot to the municipalities and to the care of the elderly, do you take away in this budget. At the same time, it is spending a lot of money on the mere symbolic policies, or in the worst case flumpolitik, ” says Sjöstedt.

a spokesperson Elisabeth Svantesson.

– It is incomprehensible how the government can cut in both police, elderly care and psychiatry, ” she says.

Svantesson notes that the government and the samarbetspartierna C and L, through their agreement has locked up most of the space in order to carry out unplanned reforms in the next few years.

– Everything that is done outside the Januariöverenskommelsen must be financed dollar for dollar, ” says Elisabeth Svantesson.

Rutavdraget raised to 50,000 – get the financial proposals in the budget

200 million for broadband deployment in vårbudgeten