The General Council of the Judiciary is wary of the Mossos d’esquadra are investigating with diligence, the harassment of judges and attacks on the headquarters court of Catalonia, carried out by the so-called Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR). “It is not perceived effectiveness in the investigation and prosecution of many of these acts”, which prevent “judges and magistrates are allocated in Catalonia to develop their judicial functions with due climate of peace and tranquility,” says the organ of government of the judges.


The Judicial Power urges you to plan protection, “appropriate” for judges who work in Catalonia Judges and prosecutors have no trust in the Autonomous by its passivity before the referendum

The constitutional body responsible for ensuring the independence of the judiciary claim to the State Attorney General’s office to investigate these acts of harassment. It also calls on the public ministry to supervise “the actions of investigation and prosecution of these attacks,” that they are carrying out “the police forces with jurisdiction in the matter”, in reference to the autonomous Catalan police. The CGPJ request this supervision from the prosecutor’s office to “ensure” the “completeness and correctness” of the research of the Autonomous and “rule out that it may produce omissions that give rise to the requirement of responsibilities”.

In recent weeks, various courts of Catalonia have been the object of attacks by the CDRS, which have been deposited with mountains of manure on the doorstep of the venues court. The pickets of independence also were doused with buckets of yellow paint domicile in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) the judge of the Supreme Court Paul Llarena, instructor of the cause for rebellion, sedition, and malfeasance for which they are imprisoned nine political and social leaders that had seceded.

the Permanent Commission of The CGPJ reiterates its request to the Ministry of the Interior and to the Generalitat of Catalonia of a “comprehensive plan of protection” of both the judges and magistrates who exercised in this community, as the judicial offices. And throw a reproach to the political power. “It is not perceived by this Council that are taking the measures required to provide the assurance of security and integrity of Tombala the persons of the judges and magistrates, their families, and their goods, nor the people who work with them, as well as the places where they provide service,” says the agreement.

the agreement of The governing body of court recalls that the security and integrity of judges and magistrates “is not a personal privilege” but a “guarantee of citizens who aspire to live in a democratic society.” The CGPJ expressed his “concern intense and growing” by “how in Catalonia are reproduced and multiplied attacks on judges, their families, their property, and to the court facilities”.

These actions, remember, were started some years ago, “initially, encouraged by members of the institutions of the autonomous Catalan that spurred protests at campuses legal as a formula of rejection of the fulfillment of its obligations on the part of judges and courts”. The council evokes, without citing it, the manifestation in the supreme Court of Justice of Catalonia when he went to declare as accused the former president of the Generalitat Artur Mas by the query pro-sovereignty of the November 9, 2014. These demonstrations, according to the Counsel, “offended seriously the conditions of constitutional in which you must navigate the division of powers.”

“criminal Behavior”

“Later, these attitudes have degenerated into criminal behavior and have multiplied, to the time that they are exposed as “actions” of groups that are identified under names or acronyms known,” says the Council in reference to the CDR. “Of greatest concern occurs for the fact that some of these “actions” are pulled by a high representative of the Catalan institutions,” says the organ presided over by Carlos Lesmes to refer to the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra.

These actions of harassment as repeated, and the lack of results in the investigations about them, have rekindled distrust of judges to the Mossos, that flowed to the root of the passivity displayed by the police, in the preparation and the holding of the referendum illegal self-determination October 1, 2016. These suspicions were mitigated, in part, after the intervention of the Catalan autonomy with the application of article 155 of the Constitution and have become with the Government of Quim Torra. The Mossos are seen between two pressures of different sign after the Round has claimed this Friday to your Inner advisor you debug the dome of the body after the charges against groups calling themselves anti-fascists who were trying to pop manifestations of the extreme right party Vox in the day of the Constitution.