the UN general assembly on 20.11.1989 signed the child rights agreement will be outstanding. Easily it does not, however, born. Children’s human rights based on the agreement was prepared more than ten years.

Before the rights of the child treaty, the adoption of the world wasn’t legally binding agreement, which would have required states to take legislative and other activities of the child rights realization. Before 1989 it was only in 1924 and 1959 on the rights of the child declarations.

the Actual proposal, the rights of the child treaty did Poland in 1978. Originally the idea was that in 1959, the declaration would be amended pretty much directly to the human rights contract. However, this idea was abandoned, as the declaration of the content was observed soon too narrow.

in the 1970s the world was, perhaps surprisingly, that the legally binding proposal in the background was just Poland. In poland the rights of the child to intense driving to find, however, a philosophical argument.

the background to the Proposal was a good element in a known children doctor Janusz Korczakin story. UNESCO declared the year 1978 Korczakin years, when the rights of the child Polish champion birth had passed a hundred years.

Janusz Korczak held in Warsaw during the war jewish orphanage. There, Korczak took care of about 200 children. In August 1942 the nazis arrived to pick up the children to a concentration camp. Even though Korczak knew he’d killed yourself, he didn’t want to leave the child, but may have them together with another orphanage employee with the Treblinka concentration camp.

Poland 1978 agreement initiative joined Korczakin in addition to the fact that the following year was celebrated the UN international children’s year. Time children’s rights was 40 years ago maturing. If Poland was not the agreement proposed, of any other country certainly would.

First woman and then the children

the foreign ministry human rights treaties reporting three decades ago, the answer Anja-Riitta Ketokoski said that the rights of the child the agreement was actually part of the chain, which already began UN the first women to enhance the status of the topic of the world conference in mexico in 1975.

Helvi Sipilä at that time the UN deputy secretary general and was responsible for women’s issues.

It led to women’s rights of the contract to completion so that it was signed in copenhagen in 1979, Ketokoski remember.

Also Anja-Riitta Ketokoski was involved in mexico in 1975. He also remembers how a woman’s rights to do extensive background analysis brought out the same children. About it conversation went.

they discovered that children are indeed independent and decent things, and not just someone owned.

the rights of the Child agreement preparation does not, however, proceeded in the same pace as the treaty for women’s rights. Cultural and social differences make the preparation of a hassle. Especially in childhood the beginning of time caused the dispute. For example, in catholic countries, a child was considered a child even before birth.

but the agreement will be excellent. It is the world’s most widely ratified human rights treaty. Only the united states has opted out of its outside. In finland, the rights of the child treaty came into force in July 1991.

a Special contract in the name is singular. All of the children agreement is not children but child.

It was a political issue, that the name was put on the unit, the foreign affairs council Anja-Riitta Ketokoski recalls.

Children should have the right to play and leisure. In finland, the rights of the child treaty came into force in July 1991.Jari Kovalainen / YleSopimus guaranteeing children special rights

Eastern Finland university of child law professor Suvianna Hakalehto has visited this week in kindergartens and schools telling kids why the world’s countries have chosen to make the rights of the child treaty.

I’ve told them that the contract was made, because children are the most important thing in the world. I’ve told you what adults do, that children is good to have, and what adults are not allowed to do.

Hakalehto know that the children of the child rights agreement, tell the necessary one point for the children’s facial expressions always change. It is the part where it says that adults do not treat children poorly in any way.

– the rights of the Child treaty does not prohibit not only violence, but all the bad treatment. I’m sure most of the adults who are with children, violate the relatively regular basis. We adults we haven’t internalized yet that we can’t treat the child poorly. Human rights are not such that, when a child misbehaves, human rights can be taken away from him.

Under 18-year-old has been put on the rights of the child in the contract to a different drive than adults. Children will not for example in a brawl, even if the adults get too. The children have been given special rights.

There agreement, for example, the right to rest, play and leisure time, or the premise of the right to live with a parent. The child has the same rights as adults, but in addition to those specific rights. And this is not always understood, professor Hakalehto says.

Adults are afraid of honest kids

the rights of the Child the signature of the agreement at the time its importance for Finland are not yet fully understood. Yet at the time it was thought generally that child rights violations are always somewhere far away.

in the Legislation of the momentum of children’s rights in Finland was in 2005, when the ombudsman for children opened for business. Today, Finland does not provide any children even in some way touching the law, without the ombudsman for children’s opinion.

in Anyway the rights of the child treaty has contributed to the fact that children’s rights have become part of the general human rights debate. Professor Suvianna Hakalehdon according to the children, however, are still as a minority group, when it comes to human rights.

– Children cannot be adults themselves struggle for human rights realization for. Their rights realization is an adult hand, which increases the inequality of adults and the rights of the child the realization between.

mannerheim’s child protection league, a leading expert Esa Iivonen said that for 30 years have a however, the agreement is a success story.

– children’s participation and children seeing their rights as a holder of a, i.e., that those rights are directly to the children, have changed the world. This is implemented in Finland much better than 30 years ago. For example, in schools a lot has happened. There the child is no longer only the activity of the target, which the teacher pours information.

the foreign affairs council Anja-Riitta Ketokoski drafted the first report on child rights implementation in Finland. He expressed the hope that the child rights agreement, the day of the feast everyone would stop for a moment to think about how the spirit of agreement would take place in the future even better.

Ketokoski remind, that the attitude of the atmosphere should be such that all children are valuable.

the Children are independent and they have to listen. Not only Greta like to listen to, but to all children. That adult what scares me the most. What in an earlier age it the criticism comes, it sincere more it is. The children saw through many things. They wonder, can’t yet comment on.

in Finland, in 1991 that entered into force convention on the rights of the child is legible sizes simplicity to this (switch to another service).

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