The Grand coalition wants to relax the ban on advertising for abortion. This is in a draft law, which the SZ is present. Doctors and hospitals are legally allowed to refer to the fact that they perform abortions. In addition, health insurance companies should pay for the contraceptive pill for two years. the Kristiana Ludwig, Berlin Kristiana Ludwig

Kristiana Ludwig is a business correspondent in the Berlin Parliament editorial staff, and reports mainly on health and social policy. Previously she was editor at the mirror capital office and the Chief of the taz. She studied politics and Islamic studies.


The ban on abortions, which had in the past year, for debates between the SPD and the Union, to be changed. A draft law has been submitted to the süddeutsche Zeitung. Doctors and hospitals should be allowed to point out, therefore legal “to the fact” that they perform abortions. Also, you should be able to the information point, in the future, official Bodies such as the Federal centre for health education.

health insurance companies pay for the pill in the future, for young women up to 22 years

Here will be published in the future, a list of Physicians, the crashes – and, moreover, “information on the implementation of abortion”, as stated in the explanatory Memorandum of the law. The Federal chamber of physicians should be for the Central list of Doctors and hospitals that perform abortions, and monthly update. In addition, young women. the contraceptive pill for two years longer, until the 22 Birthday, from the insurance paid to get.

“We will ensure that affected women in a personal emergency situation to the information they need,” said Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD), the news Agency dpa. And: “We have found, after long negotiations within the Federal government, a good compromise”. The new rule also provides legal certainty for Doctors, – said Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD). “In the future, every doctor in Germany is allowed to inform about the fact that he or she performs abortion,” she said of the dpa. Also, Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), welcomed the proposal. The increase in the age limit of 20 to 22 years and costs the statutory health insurance funds according to the draft every year about 40 million euros more.

The Grand coalition had been arguing for months violently over a Section 219a of the criminal code. The SPD together with Greens, Left and FDP, a deletion of the ban, this is a concern, but the Union’s sake. In December, the five competent Ministers negotiated a compromise proposal, introduced but not all of the critics, also within the SPD, satisfied. On this compromise, the law on building design. The draft bill will now be voted on within the Federal government and with countries and organizations for advice. On 6. February should adopt the Cabinet of Ministers the draft law.