Earlier this week, the Conservatives in a debate article in the Dagens Industri newspaper that the party would like to see over energiöverenskommelsen concluded together with the governing parties and the Centre party and the Christian democrats. M want to the goal of 100 percent renewable energy by the year 2040 shall be replaced with a target of 100 per cent fossil-free energy. The reason is that M wants to that nuclear power will continue to be an important part of the Swedish energy supply.
– the Wording in energiöverenskommelsen creates the experience of nuclear power is a temporary parenthesis and everything will be 100% renewable, as we should say 100% zero carbon. If you also have pricing that does not value that nuclear energy provides stability over the entire country even when it is the coldest, then we get a market situation in which nuclear power does not become profitable, ” says Ulf Kristersson.
the pricing of nuclear energy in the electricity market. Kärnkraftsenergin benefit by allowing suppliers to get paid more. The argument is that nuclear power is a stable supplier of energy, even when energy demand in the country is the greatest and that it has an economic value. In this way nuclear energy could benefit price-wise in relation to other sources of energy.
Energiuppgörelsen concludes that nuclear power must bear its own costs and should not be subsidized. This means that, in practice, it is difficult for kärnkraftsleverantörerna to recoup the initial investment in nuclear power. The investments are so great that the price must be not be competitive against other sources of energy.
the Settlement is prepared to subsidize other forms of energy but not nuclear power. If the consequence of the bargain is that nuclear power will actually disappear and that we will import kolkraftsdriven electricity from other countries, then it is bad for Sweden, ” says Ulf Kristersson.
energiöverenskommelsen to be seen at the end of april. The conservatives require to question the future of nuclear power at the moment, otherwise threaten to leave the settlement.
– If we cannot agree that nuclear power is needed in Sweden, and that nuclear power will be left will kärnkraftsbranschen perceive that the policy is unsure if it wants to have nuclear energy or not, ” says Ulf Kristersson.
He points out that there happened things then energiöverenskommelsen concluded in 2016. Secondly, several climate scientists raised the issue the future of nuclear power, on the one hand, the electrification of society.
” Then it is obvious that we have two sources of energy that provide stability: hydro power and nuclear power. Then energiuppgörelsen, if it is to create long-term, to underline that the two kraftslagen we will protect, ” he says.
– I am open to look at the whole issue of nuclear power under the premise that Sweden in the long term to maintain nuclear power, ” says Ulf Kristersson.
the Conservatives want to create a new Swedish model
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