the Shots were fired, according to the French authorities at 19.50 on Tuesday in three closely adjacent sites in the city centre. On the way, he used a knife to injure people in its path, according to public prosecutor Remy Heitz.

Initially flourished scattered data on the number of injured and dead, but in the latest official report concludes that two people are dead after the deed, another one is brain dead. In addition, twelve persons injured, two of them have received life-threatening injuries.

Christophe Castaner has been sent to the city, and said on Wednesday that the three ”everyday heroes” trying to stop the offender in his rampage. One of these was stabbed in his attempt.

Now, there is a massive the police operation, including 720 police in the search for the man, who during Wednesday night are still on the loose. The motive is still unclear, but the incident is being investigated as terrorgärning, according to French authorities.

public Prosecutor Remy Heitz said on Wednesday that witnesses stated that the perpetrator shouted the phrase ”Allahu Akbar”, when he launched the attack.

considering his objective, approach, gärningsmannaprofil and eyewitness testimonies that he heard shouting “Allahu akbar” has antiterrorpolisen been called in, ” says Remy Heitz.

the shooting is identified as 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt, a multikriminell born in Strasbourg and well known by the police since earlier. He should have been sentenced a total of 27 times and has been in jail in Germany and France, inter alia, of robbery and violent crime.

the Man should also be on the French secret service list of about 26,000 people that are considered to be potential security risks.

During the Wednesday night added the French national police released the man’s name and image in social media along with a call in several languages for help from the public that can lead to that the man was arrested.

Police advise at the same time, from approaching the man, who is described as dangerous.

”the terrorist Threat exists, even in the heart of our nation”, president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron said in a meeting with the country’s council of ministers, according to a spokesperson for the government on Wednesday.

It should be known that the man was radicalized during his time in prison, but he were not monitored for religious extremism and has never been associated with terrorism.

” There was never any sign that he was preparing an attack, said, according to the deputy minister of the interior, Laurent Nunez on Wednesday.

France has raised the terrorhotnivån in the country to the highest after the incident, and reinforced surveillance at the border.

earlier on Tuesday carried out a search warrant at the man’s residence, in connection with a rånutredning. Where are you supposed to have found a grenade and several other weapons, including knives.

During the initial hunt for the man managed to antiterrorstyrkor encircle the man in a building, where shots have been fired between the shooter and the forces, and the man should have been wounded in the arm before he once again managed to escape by hijacking a taxi.

since Then continues the chase, among other things, in the cooperation between French and German police. On Wednesday, police announced that four relatives of the offender has been arrested.

Read more: Suspected gunman in Strasbourg convicted of 27 crimes

Read more: Grief and anger in Strasbourg after the attack